I love kissing people not even in a romantic way I just like feeling close to someone
I actually have a good reason I like kissing
can I tell you
I'm going too anyway*clears throat* OK
when I was younger, I always felt gross. just not human sort of, not going to lie, I am still very self conscious. VERY
I love the fact that I can even have someone that close to me, that's one of the main reasons I love cuddling and kissing, not even the sexual/romantic aspect of it, it makes me feel pretty/beautiful the fact that someone is willing to get that close to me. isn't it sad that an 11 year old thinks she's so gross that she dosent want anyone near her?IV only kissed someone in a sexual way
once AND IT WaS DOPE (10/10 recommend)theother times IV kissed people is just to feel close to someone EW I REGRET hALF OF ThOSE KISsSsES