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Minho pushed me behind him and pulled his knife.

I stood on my toes and whispered in his ear.
"Don't worry they're with us."

"You sure about that? Those shanks don't look very friendly." He whispered back.

Before I could answer the men took off their masks and revealed their faces.

They all had dirty faces and messy hair, but it suited them. It made them look strong, which is the perfect look for a rebel.

"No time for introductions, wicked can be here any minute, get in the bus, now." A dark skinned man told us.

I immediately ran past Minho towards the bus with Gally close behind.
The others followed after a slight hesitation. The bus was now full of shocked boys all looking at the giant walls behind us. I was sitting next to minho who was just as shocked as the others.
The men stepped in their cars or on their bikes and the dark skinned one winked the bus driver to start his engine. De buss started moving, but I didn't notice. All I could focus on was the big outer wall of the maze which got smaller by the minute.

We were sitting in the bus for about an hour when I saw a building. It was halfly destroyed and looked like it used to be a hospital. It was surrounded by nothing else than sand and large mountains in the distance.
The bus drove through a broken wall which I assume to be the entrance and stopped in some kind of big improvised garage. We slowly left the bus and followed the man that seemed to be in charge.

He led us through a small but long hall while talking about how they found this place and about the people here. He introduced himself as Jorge and said that there lived here with about 300 adults and teens: soldiers, doctors, scientists, wapon-experts, rescued test-subjects, etc.

"This organisationis bloody gigantic" Newt whispered to me. I smiled and wanted to reply, but Jorge answered for me.
"Damn right it is and you haven't seen nothin' yet, but we'll save that for tomorrow. Now I will bring you guys to medical. Then a friend of mine will show you your rooms." He walked around another corner and opened a door. It led to I think the heart of the building. There were loads of people walking through the big hall. Some with food, others just talking to each other excitedly. It all looked so alive and normal, it made me kinda happy.

"here we are, let's get you guys fixed up." Jorge said as he showed us a large room full of beeping machines and beds with curtains to separate one bed from another. Several doctors where walking between the patients with bandages and stuff like that. Three came towards us and picked out the ones with the worst injuries and so we just had to wait till our turn. Since I wasn't very injured I decided to walk with Jorge a little while longer.


"I knew you could do it." Jorge started. "you're one heck of a brave kid, you know that right?"
I stared at my feet.
"guess so, just glad it's over."

Jorge showed me their foodsupply, trainingroom and waponstorage. Next he wanted to show me the brain of the organisation, where Gally's father is.
We were walking through an open hallway in silence, but it got broken by a loud scream coming out of my mouth.

I fell down feeling an immense pain in my shoulder and chest. My vision got black and all I could hear was Jorge shooting something before I blacked out.

I woke up a few second later and saw Jorge kneeling by my side.

"wicked found us, we need to go. can you stand?" he said constantly looking around. I nodded and he helped me to my feet, but when he let go I immediately fell down again, the pain almost blacking me out. "guess not" I said weakly. Jorge helped me up again and I tried not to scream. We walked as quickly as possible, but unfortunately that wasn't very fast and two little flying machines came towards us, shooting, Jorge took them down, but others were coming.

We reached the stairs and before we made our way down Jorge shot the fire alarm.

People were rushing from one side to another with guns and bulletproof suits. All peace was gone. I saw my friends with confused expressions standing close to medical, at least they're okay.

As soon as they saw me they came over.
"Kira, what happened to you?!" Minho said obviously worried. He took me over from Jorge who called some guards. While Jorge told the guards to escort us to the tunnels I explained what happened. "Are you okay?" Chuck asked. "Yeah, perfectly fine." I said sarcastic. Minho smiled. "she'll life."


It amazed me how everyone got away so quickly. Everyone, well everyone still alive, reached the tunnels before wicked blew the place up. It turned out the tunnels reached all the way into the mountains, so here we are.
The camp was up in no time and doctors were already working miracles. The boys were sitting on the ground close to the fire, while I was in a special tent with two doctors bandaging my wounds.

It took a while before I was done and when I wanted to leave someone came into the tent. She looked sad.
"what is it?" I asked.
"I'm afraid we have a problem." she started. "The stabilizer in your shoulder was hit. Without it we don't know what would happen to the chip, but the longer we wait the worse it could get."

"well, than get it out." I said
she looked at the ground before anwering.
"That's the problem. You're too weak for an operation and we had to leave a lot of our gear behind. If we do it, you could die."

That hit me hard.
I don't want to die, I hardly even lived. There's so much I still want to do. I want to see wicked burn, I want to hang out with my friends, I want to be with Minho till we're old and ugly, I could go on for hours.

But all of my fathers work... It'll be for nothing. Then he and my mum died for nothing... I-I can't let that happen, I-I need to be brave for one last time, for them.


The doctor looked surprised at what I answered.

"I'll do it." I said to make it more clearly.

She nodded, told me she'd go get Jorge and left the tent with the other two doctors.

I let a tear escape and it rolled down my cheek. Guess not everyone can be lucky.


"What the klunk!?" Minho said as he stormed into the tent.

I was just talking to Jorge and the doctor who I now know is Melissa.

Right after minho came the rest of my friend, just as mad and terrified as Minho.

"You're not doing it." Minho said angrily. " We can defeat them an other way." I smiled but shook my head.
"no, no we can't".

He came closer and took my hand.
"what if you die?"
"what if I live? You can't chance my mind, none of you. So can't you just support my decission?"

Minho was still angry so I looked at Jorge who nodded back.
"What was that? What is he going to do?"

Guards came and brought my friends out.

Minho pulled me towards him and hugged me tightly. "Slinthead. Don't forget your promise. I won't let you do it."

I watched in confusion as Minho got 'escorted' out of the tent. What promise?

"it's time." Melissa said.
I nodded sadly and laid down on the table.
Jorge took my hand.
"Now I know for sure, you are definitely the bravest kid I've ever met." He kissed me on my forehead and left the tent. Melissa injected me with a liquid that'll knock me uncoinsious and smiled sympathicaly.

I looked above me and smiled. The blue sky is within reach, Minho. We will lay under it, I promise.


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