Chapter 2

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Clary's P.o.v

I wake in a beautiful bedroom. I look around, trying to see anything familiar, but not able to.

I get up from the king size, silky, bed. Walking around the room, I find beautiful clothing. Slik dresses, slik shrits, and dress pants.

Finding out this is not a room I know of, I look for a stele. Going into the closest, looking under boxes, going through everything in the room looking for it.

Then, noticing I can't find it, I hear a loud crackling, laugh.
"Looking for something, love." I turn around to the voice and see someone who haunts my dreams at night. Sebastian.
"What the fu-." I get cut off be his humming vocie.
"Aw love. You are I are in our fathers apartment." He anwers clamly.
"Im not you love. I don't even want to be you sister. I hate you!Where's Jace? Why am I here, Jonathan?"I scream at him. And say the name he hates most. His birth name.

"You are with me, jace is where jace is. Soon to be with us. Now come here." He demands. Trying not to show fear, I walk straight towards him.

He grabs a stele out of his dark, leather cost pocket and grabs my hand.

"Do you love me?" He asks. Why would he ask that? He should know the answer by now, after how he treated me and my family and friends.

"No." I spat at him, full of hatred. He just laughs and keeps a firm grip on my hand, not letting go.

"Oh, by you will." Is all he says. I try to pull away, kicking him, screaming and yelling doing everything I can so I can get away from him and his stele.

Him being stronger than me, he doesn't move. Not even flinch. Then draws a rune on me. It doesn't look like a gray book one. But soon the familiar darkness washes over me like waves.

Jace's P.o.v

I have to have clary back. It's been a day since she is missing and I feel like I'm about to die form loss. Only thing keeping me alive is hoping she's alive.

"We have to go to the Seelie Queen, she might know something about it." Simon said.

"Okay. It's the only idea that might work, so let's go." I say and Jocelyn, Simon, Isabelle and Alec stare at me,wide eyed.

"What?" I say, getting irritated

"You've never been like this before." Alec says.

"I love Clary. I may not show it well, or say it enough, but I truly love Clary. I would die for her if it needed to be done. So let's go." I say trying to get then to stop staring at me. Soon they nod yes, and since Jocelyn said she and the queen have bad history. Alec, Isabelle, Simon and I walk out of Lukes house.

When we get to the room of the Seelie Queen's court we all stop at the front doors and look at merlion. When he notices us, he looks surprised.

"Why are you here?" Merlion asks.

"To see the queen." I say truthfully, not wanting to be on the fairy's bad side, so we can get Clary.

"Hold on." He says and goes to talk to another fairy.

As he walks back he looks me in the eye and says "come." So we follow.

I keep think about what I said before as we walk the Seelie halls, how I love love Clary and what I told her when I left her 'I'll be back in five minutes'. I wish I could have told her I loved her. Or stay with her. But the only thing I can do is wait and try to find her.

"M'lady. The shadowhunters are here." Merlion says.

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