Chapter 7

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Clary's P.o.v

I walk down stairs to the kitchen and comforting arms rap around my waist. Thinking it's Sebastian I lean in the embrace, smiling.

Then I remember something from before. No one's heart beats like Jace's.

Jace. This is him. I back away, frightened of how that came to my mind or were it's from, and what Sebastian might do to me.

I walk away and find a familiar face.
My mother.

Jace's P.o.v

Clary comes down the stairs and she looks beautiful as always. Expect now, her perfect red curly-haired down, she is in a beautiful black long dress, it has a lace sweetheart neckline, lace sleeves, and hugs her curves perfectly. My favorite part is her lacey chest.

I stare at my girlfriend, or used to be, with love. I get depressed a little at the thought of us not being together, and it hurts so much, like knifes stabbing me in the heart.

I let that feeling go and grab her waist. She melts in side my arms and it feels as if we were before, were it's only us loving each other with no one else.

Then she stares at me in horror, and she walks away, the thought goes away. What happened?

~~~Time Skip~~~

Clary's P.o.v

Sebastian made dinner and I sit next to my mother and Jace across from me with father and Sebastian at the ends.

Sebastian holds my hand with his icy cold ones. It sends shivers down my spine, in an odd, uncomfortable one.

But why? I love Sebastian and he loves me. But when I was in Jace's arms I felt like I was missing more that a person, but someone who I loved and me loved me. Actual love.

I stare at my chest and remember what Jace was like. Freaking out over the rune. The demon rune.

Sebastian had to have done it. His black eyes only want things! The demon only wants me! I'm going to kill that bitch!

"How are you not dead?" I ask, trying to figure everything out, and being as clam as I can.

"Lilith." Valentine says, as if it's the most normal thing ever.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Jace's P.o.v

We leave dinner and I go to the room Sebastian gave me.

Clary looked like she was going to kill at dinner, and when she talked it looked like she was trying to keep it at regular level (for how loud she could have been and he temper) like she was coming back. Back to me.

Soon there's a nock on my door. Not wanting to upset anyone, I go and answer it.

On the other side I see the love of my life. She comes over and hugs me, and I rap her in me.

"Jace. I'm back." She says crying into my arms. For the boy who never cried since his "father's death", was crying because his love came back.

"I love you Jace." She told me.

"I know. I love you too." I tell her.

This is perfect, I want to freeze this moment and live in it for ever.

Clary's P.o.v

*before she came to Jace*

I go to my room and I think about it. My past, my life before I came here.

I think of my mother, Jace, Izzy, Alec, Simon, Magnus, Max, angle Raziel, Antmis, Luke and last

Valentine and Sebastian.

The past is coming, flooding my mind. Images of Jace and I. Alec, Izzy and Magnus. Simon and I as kids. The good and the bad come back to me and I feel free. Not having someone control me. The dreams he gave me, our about him and me sitting on thrones in a different dimension.

As I remember more and more, and I run as fast as I can without trying to wake people. I go to my true loves.


When I get to his door and knock. It takes a little time but, as I'm about to give up he comes out.

My eyes start to fill and I don't push them down. I'm back. We're together agian.

He let's in, and I hug him like there's no tomorrow.

"Jace I'm back." I tell him, crying.

"I love you." I now tell him.

"I know, I love you too." He tells me, and we cry in each other.

That night we sleep together, he put me in one's of his big shirts and we lay on his bed. I have my back on his stomach and he raps his arms around me.

"Goodnight. I love so much Clary you are never leaving me again. " He tells me and I laugh.

"I won't try to-" I say laughing. "Goodnight, I love you too." And with that we fall asleep.

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