Chapter 14

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Clary's P.o.v

Jace was leading us out of the meeting room, and lead us out to the Herondale manor.

When we got there, Jace looked lost. I held his hand and gave him a little squeeze. He returned it back and smiled at me while un locking the doors.

It was beautiful inside. It was wood flooring, and walls, all polished. Old, fancy furniture, and a spiral stair case leading up.

As we walk up the stairs we see they have four bedrooms. Each with a bad, a desk, and lamp.

I'm getting a little tired, so I tell Jace and he says.

"Alright guys, let's go to bed and we'll figure everything out tomorrow." And with that we all leave.

Jace takes my hand and leads me to one of the bedrooms, and sets me down. And I fall a sleep curled into Jace's chest.

*in the morning*

I wake up and feel nauseated and walk to a bathroom by the bedrooms and what it feels like, puke my guts out.

Jace must have heard me, because he opened the bathroom door I forgot to close. He took my hair in his hands so I won't puke on it, and rubbed my back.

When I finished, he led me to the kitchen and got me a glass of water.

Since no of had clothes, we went to Magnus to see if her could portal us our stuff.

"Hey, Magnus. Sorry to wake you, but we need you." I tell him.

He moves away from Alec, and comes towards me.

"What do you need?" He asks, not angry shockingly, just tired.

Here's were Jace comes in. "She puked this morning, so we need you to check on her. And we need clothes."

"Okay." He says. "Can you put Clary on the bed in you room?" He asks Jace, and Jace nods.

When we get in Jace's and mines room, he puts me on the bed, lifts up my top, and his fingers spark blue.

Then Magnus's face lights up.

"What is it?"I ask, confused.

"Congratulations! Your having a baby!" He shouts to us.

Jace and I look at each other and I tear up. We're having a baby! Jace and I are having a baby! We're going to have are own family!

Right now, I forget all the bad in the world. Valentine. Jonathan. Everything. Jace leans down, and I take his face in my hands and kiss him. A loving, passionate kiss.

When we pull away, I pull my shirt down, forgetting it was up, Jace carries me and we find everone in their rooms to wake them up.

Magnus already left, so we go get him and Alec first (because we know we're they are), we find Izzy and Simon and Jem, Will and Tessa and tell them to come down stairs.

Eventually everyone comes down stairs, and meets us in the library.

They all look at us with an irritated look, except Magnus.

Okay, it's now or never I tell my self.

"Jace and I have some important nows." I tell them.

"I'm pregnant!" I say and Tessa, even though we never met and Izzy come up to me and congratulates us.

When I was done talking to the girls, we go over to the boys, and Jace puts his arms on my waist and wispers in my ear. "I can't wait for our little one."

"Me too." I tell him.

"Do you think it's a girl or a bly?" Izzy asks.

"Izzy, we just found out. We don't know yet." Jace tells her in a 'duh' voice.

"Sounds like jessie." Will says, and Jem and Tessa laugh.

"Could we talk about this 'situation' right now?" I ask, uncomfortable.

"You mean about this is here-" Will points to Jace. "Knocking you up?"

"William!" Jem says.

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