(Feb 4, 2016)Author's Note!

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Hello everyone, I am very sorry for this Authors note! 

But do not worry, I am not going to delete or give up on this story!!

You see, I wrote this when I was very depressed about school since I almost got kicked out! I have been practicing my writing and even made a steamy GerIta lemon! 

You can see how much my work has changed in my other story, "The Italian Mermaid"

Anyways, I am rewriting the whole story and plot so that it wont seem as rushed. I am keeping the dream portion since that was what started this whole story. 

I am very sorry to those who actually liked this plot but I feel like it's being rushed. I completely bullshit my writing in this story.

I don't feel like you guys are seeing my full imagination! 

Anyways, Stay in tune for the New and Improved Story! 

Thank you.

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