I sit across from Amanda, she doesn't know it but I'm subtly interviewing her, we've been talking about annie for a while know, I've learned that Amanda didnt like annie because she was blocking her from Caleb, everyone seems nervous when I bring up annie, they make it seem like they all did it.
Katie;I sit at my desk trying to think about everything, there's evidence leading towards everyone, I'm not sure where to turn, I decide to call it a night.
I head into Arden's house, I volunteered to baby sit her little brother, I go up to her room to see that her phone is on her bed, I open up her text messages with liv and find something shocking.--/--
( this is probably the worst chapter I've ever written for any of my story's but I felt like I needed to update, the next chapter will be much longer I promise, btw this story is about to come to an end, it's going to be kind of like a short story )