Chapter 1

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John POV

I was kicked out of my old boarding school, apparently it's wrong to sexually misbehave with a girl and then kill her. But here is the funny part I didn't kill her. The only reason they thought I killed her is because I was with her that night. Her name was Stacey Wilson. I was with her that night on a date and I really liked her, but I left early so she was all alone in the woods.

It was really romantic just watching the stars shine next to the moon, I loved her deep blue eyes and her long light-brown hair.

Dammit I was so stupid, how could I just leave her there alone in the fucking woods.

I did have one sexual experience with her, but that was because we were playing spin the bottle with some mates.

The reason I left is because it was 11:30 at night on a Tuesday and I had a huge test the next day. I asked her if she wanted to go back with me but she said she wanted to see the stars, that was one thing I liked about her.

Eventually everyone started telling the cops that it was me just because I was with her the same night she was murdered. So the only reason I didn't go to prison is because the cops didn't find enough evidence that said I killed her. Yeah that's right, they didn't find anything because I didn't kill her.

I still remember when they showed me her body, god, I vomited. She was stabbed five times, two times in the heart and three times in the back. She was then strangled to her death, I guess stabbing her wasn't enough. Me vomiting in the trashcan gave them a hint that I didn't do anything. So now for that incident I've been transferred to another school in the middle of nowhere in Surrey.

It's called Baskerville Academy

Harry, my sister, had to drive me because my parents were in Australia, helping sick kids. They're both doctors. Harry has no idea what she wants to be, she just wants to party and make out with her girlfriend, Clara. They have been struggling to stay together for a few months but I know they'll stay together. As for me I'm just going to follow my parents footsteps, what else would I do, that's what they expect of me. That's why I can't wait to tell them that I'm going to be an army doctor. I don't want to be at a old boring hospital, I want action and the adrenaline through my blood.

In Baskerville Academy we have to share a room with someone. In my other boarding school you didn't, but thankfully I get to share a room with a boy. I'm really scared of what the other students will think of me, because gossip goes around fast. I was really popular at my other school, I was the star player and the captain of my football team. My grades were all A's and B's and I had excellent friends who were really trustworthy until they opened their big stupid mouths and told the cops I did it.

I really hope my life here at Baskerville works out and that I have better friends I could trust. But for now I could only hope.

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