Chapter 2

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Sherlock POV

"I'm sorry but there is nothing I can do Sherlock, please understand", Mycroft gave me a fake apologetic face.

"You must really love me to put me with a murderer", I said sarcastically.

"There are no evidence that show that he killed her, so shut up and stop whining", Mycroft obviously had enough of my shouting, but it wasn't fair.

"Fine, so when is he getting here", very annoyed just thinking of him.

"Today at 6:00, so you better behave yourself because it doesn't matter if you like him or not he's staying here", he was walking towards the door as soon as he reached for the knob I spoked.

"What if he tries to kill me"

"I don't doubt that", he smirked and he left the room.

"Bastard", I whispered to myself.

Mycroft had promised me that I wouldn't get another roommate. My last roommate was a son of bitch to me. He always beat me up, in our room and that wasn't even the worst part, he sexually abuse me. I haven't told anyone, how can I, I feel weak just thinking about it, I wouldn't dream of talking about it. My parents and Mycroft only know about the beatings, I didn't tell them about the constant assaults. I was scared he would do it more frequently. Even if I do tell them they could careless about me, they would tell me I was weak for not defending myself and not fighting back.

I still remember Alex, my old roommate, he used to come to my bed at midnight and whip me with his leather belt. Or if he was really pissed off he would take it out on me, first he would beat me until I couldn't stand up. Then he would inject me with his "magic love poison" as he called it. I honestly don't know what he would do to me, but every night I would wake up tied up to my bed completely naked. There would be love bites on my neck, hand shape bruises on my hips, and nail starches on my back.

Every time I woke up like this l felt like the biggest loser ever. Could you imagine waking up to the pain between your legs?

Alex would just stare me, while I struggle to get up from my bed and hold back the tears of shame. Getting into the shower was extremely painful, just letting the cold water hit scratches on my back and watching all the blood go down the drain. Putting my shirt on in front of him was embarrassing for me, but very entertaining for him just to see me like this. He would see the scratches but never said anything, he never felt anything at all, it made me so mad.

It was 5:30, the kid was going to be here in less than thirty minutes. I hope he's better than the last one.

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