Chapter 3 - New Home - C

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The plane trip had been long, and waiting for our luggage to come through was even longer. At one point I thought I saw someone walking away with my bag, but it turned out black was quite a popular suitcase colour. Surprise surprise...

All in all, we could have gotten blown up, so it could have turned out a lot worse. The only real bad thing about the trip was the annoying child in the seat behind me, who somehow thought my seat was a place to rest their legs. I wanted to drop kick the kid out of the plane but I had failed most of my p.e classes, so that wasn't going to be very effective.

My phone started vibrating with notifications once I connected to the free WiFi (kinda dodgy I know), most of them were my relatives wanting to know how I was, and my good friends messaging me wanting to know if I was still alive. As my mum and I drank our cheap tasting over priced coffees, I replied to the majority of them, leaving a few for later when I had actual time to write good responses.

After 10 minutes I finally drained the rest of my coffee and was ready to go to our new house.


"Who knew it would be that hard to get a taxi in Liverpool?"

"Mum I think most of Britain is going to be busy."

"Well, we've made it to our new home!"

"Hmm... it does look pretty nice."

That wasn't a lie, it actually looked like it could be a pretty nice house. The door was functioning properly, which was always a good first sign. However stepping inside, I began to see the potential for the house, especially when I saw my own room full of boxes.

After my basic furniture was up it didn't take long for my walls to be covered with posters and photos. Bands and bands and the occasional T.V show were some of my favourite things. 

I looked at the door and saw my dad standing there, with a smile on his face.

"Do you like this place?"

I nodded. "It's really nice! I'm just wondering how you afforded it. Are you sure that music deal was the only thing that you did to get money..?" I slyly looked at him.

He laughed. "I can assure you that I didn't touch any drugs in order to get money for this house."

"Good. A jail sentence would be really inconvenient at this moment."

Another laugh. "Well I'm glad you've settled here. We're gonna go for a mini tour tomorrow. I'll call you when dinner is ready." Leaving the door wide open he turned around and left.

"Oi! Didn't you ever hear something about closing the G- damn door!?"

"Is that a reference to something because I don't understand it I'm sorry."

"Well I did try!"

I exhaled a breath and flopped on to my bed. My first 24 hours in Britain had been really good, and I hoped to have many more.

I stared up at the blank, empty ceiling, and suddenly I got the feeling someone else was doing the exact same thing as me.

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