Part 6

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"Ugggh" I groaned getting up from my sleep to see lucas,

"Bro where the fuck am I?" I asked looking around.

"You lucky my mom let your dumb ass in after last night" He says hitting me with a pollow.

"What?" I asked looking up at him.

"Nigga after we left Nesto back at his place you knocked out on mah couch" He replies putting on his shoes,

"Where the fuck you going?" I ask getting up and doing the same.

"I'm going over to check on Jezzabelle, you can either come wit me or sit yo lazy ass on mah couch" He says walking outside and I trail along with him.

"What happened wit nesto?" I asked rubbing my head.

"Yah kicked his ass and we dropped him off in front of his crib and we left" Lucas says jumping into his rover.

"Oh now I remember" I say as my jaw clenches.

"Look if Jezzabelle talks to nesto first your fucked" Lucas says speeding down the street.

"Aight then I'll tell her what that dumbass was doin last night" I say looking out the window.

"Aight here yah go prince charming" Lucas says with a chuckle as I jump outta the car.

"Ayye look the doors open" Lucas says walking with me up the porch.

"Hello?" Lucas says knocking on the open door.

"Nigga you ain't Adele" I say dragging him inside.

I looked around and see a first aid kit on a the couch. I look around to see nobody here. There was a box of cocoa puffs on the table and a half bowl of it.

"Ayye" I say licking my lips.

Before I even got to eat the left over,

"Vier! Get yo fatass up here!" Lucas shouts as I groan and follow his voice.

"What the-" before I even finished my sentence I froze when I see Jezzabelle.

She was crying on Lucas shoulder. As I walked closer Jezzabelle looked up and my heart dropped when I saw her face. I didn't know what was wrong with my emotions, I was feeling angry yet heart broken at the same time.

"Jezzabelle" I sighed sitting down next to Lucas and wrap my arms around Jezzabelle.

"Its gonna be okay" I say kissing her cheek as she cried on my shoulder.

"It was nesto wasn't? Damn me and vier goin kill that nigga!" Lucas says getting up as I doze off,

"No" She whispered as my head snapped towards her,

"It wasn't Ernesto" She says looking up at me as I stare at her in surprised,


I knew that Vier and Lucas was gonna kill nesto so I had to lie.

"It wasn't Ernesto" I whispered as they stared at me in surprise,

"If it wasn't then who was it huh? The door?" Lucas exaggerates throwing his hands up in frustration,

"I was sleep walking and fell and the door knob hit my eye" I say trying not to sound like I'm lying.

"Don't fucking lie to me Jezzabelle!" Vier snaps as I look at him,

"Why would I lie to you guys?" I say sounding hurt with a sniffle.

"Oh yeah then where's Nesto then?" Lucas asks,

"I haven't seen him since last night" I say with a sigh,

"He's been leaving the house late at night alot lately" I say putting my sad face on.

"No, if your not lying look me in the eye and tell me it wasn't him" Vier says lifting my chin up as I blink away the tears.

I looked up to his dark brown eyes and felt guilt. I should tell him the truth, but I don't want him to hurt Nesto.

"Nesto had nothing to do with this" I say as I see hurt in his eyes.

"Anywho I have to get ready for school" I say trying to get up as Lucas helps me up hurriedly,

"Wait you still go to school?" Vier asks as I smile a little.

"Well, education doesn't come naturally if you don't go to school" I say as he smiles,

"Aye we'll drop you off" Lucas says with a wink as I roll my eyes with a smile.

"Yeah ok go wait downstairs and I'll go downstairs when I'm done" I say kissing his cheek as he nods and runs along.

"Are you gonna go or?" I laughed as Vier nods,

"Thanks for helping me vier, your a nice friend" I say hugging him as he froze,

"Are you okay?" I asked as he nods,

"Yeah" he says turning around and walked away,

Ok, now lol. I walked into my room and looked through my closet for what to wear. Just as I was digging through my clothes my phone rang. I looked to see it was my bestfriend Ashley,

"Ayye whattup bitch!" Ashley screamed into the phone as I laughed.

"Nuthin just tryna look for something to wear to school today" I say scratching my head.

"Gurl you should look extremely sexy gurl, I mean you are the hottest senior then those other thots at our school" Ashley says as I laugh.

"Oh my gosh gurl" I say with a laugh.

"Oh I know what you should wear" She says,

"what?" I asked waiting for her to tell me her crazy idea for me to look like a whore at school.

"Aight, so you have those black and white shorts that I gave you right?" She asked as I see them in a pile next to the door.

"Ok" I say with confusion,

"Now wear those with a white tank and your black and white J's" She says,

"What the fuck!?" I laughed as she laughed along.

"Aye just do it cuz I'm gonna be wearing black and white to so we can match aight bestie?" She says with a high pitch as I laugh.

"Aight I gotta go now I'll see you there" I finished hanging up the phone.

I put on the clothes with my white jordan socks, and curled my hair. I put on so much make up to try to cover the black eye. I looked like a freaking ghost but at least the black eye was covered, and so the makeup doesn't come off I put on my black glasses.

Aight school here I go I said to myself with a sigh and walked out of the bathroom.

Aye guys So theres gonna be more of #jier so comment and vote for more aight #vierbabes oh and happy birthday Donny ❤

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