Chapter One: The Feels of The Start

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<Were in last period btw>
(Vivian's p.o.v.)
I was sitting in my seat, third out of four rows, fifth seat back. My friend from 4th grade was sitting in front of me as we both sat staring at the Math teacher with blank stares.
"Now 6th grade, we will be learning algebra. Now you start..." Was all I herd from the teachers mouth as I started to doze off into some scenarios I have involving the DiaLovers.
<Scenario> (Warning: OOC for effect)
Kanato: Ohime-sama, feed me
Azusa: No...cuddle
Ayato: Ignore them and make ore-sama takoyaki!
Laito: No usagi-chan, come sit in my lap~
Subaru: Tch, come here away from the pervert.
Yuma: Oi Sow, come help me in my garden
Shu: Noisy... Vivi come lay with me~
Ruki: Livestock come here, I still need to punish you for last week
Reiji: Vivi, you have to... Ms. Pandolian? Ms. Pandolian! Listen to your teacher!
<End of scenario>
"Huh?" I jumped now back to reality. I sighed, realizing where I was again and that they were never gonna just walk into my life, they were fake!
"I got a phone call from the hospital, your parents were in a car crash." The teacher said obviously trying to keep her cool. I processed what she said and then realization hit me.
"Are they ok!?" I half-yelled jumping out of my seat.
"The doctors said there vitals were ok, but they won't last very longer due to the condition, unless they can stitch it and stabilize them."
" I have to go!" I said jolting to the door.
"Oh, one more thing, there's a ride waiting for you out front."
"Thank you!" I ran down the hall, clips and clomps emitting from my stomping feet. I reached the office and stormed in not caring that I left my belongings in my locker, all I needed was my phone and I had that.
"Rides out front, wish them my greatest wishes." The lady at the desk said as I hummed in response. I kicked the door open (literally) and stopped in front of a limo. Looking around, the only transportation I saw was the limo still.'This can't be my transport, can it?' I thought to myself. Then a man emerged from the car (limo) and walked up to me.
"Are you Vivian Pandolian?" He asked. I nodded. "Great, follow me Ms. Pandolian. Oh and if you need anything I am Charles." He said opening the door for me. I hopped in admiring the luxury. I sat in the large space of a red seat and slouched daydreaming, and worrying about my parents. My hands started to get clammy. I sighed as we came to a halt. Charles opened the door once more to let me out.
"Thank you Charles, what do I pay you?" I asked getting my phone out reaching into my blue panda phone case and pulling a wad of cash.
"No need to pay me Ms.Pandolian" He said kindly lightly pushing the cash back into the case. I was shocked but didn't deny. I ran to the entrance desk and asked the lady where to go. She said to go to the east hall, left hand side, room 4BC. I swung the door open to see my parents in hospital beds all bandaged up.
"Mom! Dad!" I cried as I ran to their sides. I have seemed to wake my mother but not my father.
"Vivi, what doing?" My mom fought to say.
"To come here to see you of course." I said worriedly. My mom chucked.
"You...still have your.... personality.... even in this mess." She managed a smile. I felt tears start to collect in the corners of my eyes. I couldn't bare to see her in this condition. My mom coughed hard and gave a look of pain.
"Mom!" I shouted as small amounts of blood came from her mouth.
"Vivi... I am sorry." She whispered loud enough for me to hear.
"Sorry for what?" I ask.
"For not being able to be there."
"*cough* Your life."
"What are you saying?"
"Vivian, we love you and will always be there."
"No, you can't leave."
" sorry."
"Mom, please no, mom, mother? Answer me! Mom!"
"Mom. Dad." My eyes filled with tears as the waterworks made there way to the surface. I sobbed into my mothers bandaged corpse and inhaled her rosy sent for the last time. I didn't want to even glance at my fathers corpse, that would make it worse. I sniffed and stood up. I stumbled on my feet on the way to the front door. I ignored everyone's apologies and kept dragging my feet. I pushed the door open and got to the limo where Charles was waiting. He looked at me with a worried look as I shook my head. He hang his head low and assisted me into the limo. As we pulled out it started to rain. I sighed as I glanced outside. I didn't even get to say I loved them before they died. I fiddled with my thumps unconsciously as I we took a wrong turn.
"Umm Charles? You are going the opposite direction of the house."
" No Ms. Pandolian, all your items are shipped to your new house." 'New house' rang in my head like church bells, I started to spin and my vision got darker by the second. The last thing I saw was black.

I promise to add the DiaLovers next chapter. But referring to the story, where is Charles taking you? He is not really important, but he needed a name. Btw my friend I based Adrian off of is reading this! I hope I didn't hurt you in the feels, cause I know I hurt myself in the feels. Why was I given emotions?!?

 Why was I given emotions?!?

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I am sorry, I had to. I might even dedicate a side chapter for the gifs I have. Well until next time my Pandas!

 Well until next time my Pandas!

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