How You Meet (HP)

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You walked through the familiar passage into the gryffindor common room when you run into something hard.

"Ouch!" You mumble as you struggle to get up. You look around and see nothing. You continue forward when suddenly you feel a slight tug under your foot and Harry Freaking Potter appears.

"Bloody Hell." You mutter out of shock and amazement.

"I'm sorry." You mutter trying to get around him.

"What's your name?" He asks.

"(Y/N)." You mutter before continuing your way into the common room.


You and Hermione had became friends when you found her in the bathroom crying in your first year. You left to go bring her food and when you came back the bathroom was destroyed and Hermione was gone. You glumly turned around and walked back to the gryffindor common room. There she was sitting with two other boys.

"Hermione, I brought you food." You say shyly as you get a full view of the other two boys. One is dark haired and the other is red haired.

"Thanks (Y/N)." Hermione smiles.

"Oh, and this is Harry Potter and Ronald Weasly." She introduces, you nod at Harry but grin at Ron.

"H-hi." He stammers.

"Hello." You chirp. You hear Harry and Hermione giggle.


You walked into potions 15 minutes late.

"Well, Ms. (L/N) I am glad you decided to join us." Professor Snape drawled. You look around the room and see only one seat left, it is next to a girl with bushy brown hair, she smiles at you. You walk over and take a seat by her.

"Hello, I'm Hermione, Hermione Granger." She says extending a hand towards you. You shake it and smile. You and Hermione instantly become great friends.

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