How You Meet (SPN)

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You adjusted the uncomfortable suit jacket and walked up to the small house on the corner. You tap on the door and a moment later a small lady opens the door. You pull out your badge and smile.

"Agent Young. I have a few questions about your late husband."

"Well some other agents are here so why don't you join them?" She asks pulling you through the door.

"Agents, do you know Agent Young?" She asks. The two fine looking men look up with shock.

"No, she must be from a different branch." The taller of the two mutters.

"Agent Young, this is Agent Paige and Agent Harrison." She introduces.

"Well nice to meet you Agents, now if you don't mind I'd like to ask a few of my own routine questions.

"By all means go ahead." The short one says.

"Well, Ms. Paige. I was wondering if you've heard any strange noises, felt any cold spots, or smelled anything weird." You ask, glancing cautiously at the other FBI Agents, well the real agents.

"Well, no noises or smells, but sometimes like I told the boys, there are cold spots around the house, mostly in the attic." She replies. You are to preoccupied to hear the other Agents whispering or the fact that they had asked a similar question.

"Isn't that where you found your husband?" You ask again.

"Yes, It was." She replies tears sliding down her face.

"Well, I am sorry we bothered you but we must get going." The brown haired FBI says.

"Oh and Agent Young, we need to talk." He adds.

Your stomach drops, you've been caught. You follow them outside to a very clean 1967 Chevy Impala.

"Nice car." You say trying to lighten the mood.

"Are you a hunter?" The blonde one blurts. Whoa, not what you was expecting.

"Yeah, You?" You reply thankful that they are not there to drag your ass to jail.

"Yep, I'm Dean, this is my brother Sam." He introduces himself.

"I'm (Y/F/N), (Y/F/N), (Y/L/N)." You say.

"I'm guessing you guys have a different last name then." You say.

"Winchester." Sam replies.

"Well here's my number, but seeing as we are on the same case, I guess I could give it to you later." You say with a smirk.

"Alright, got any ideas, I say ghost?" Dean says with a smirk.


You sat down at the table and pulled out your laptop, finals where coming and you had not even looked at any of your Biology notes.

You are halfway down the first page when someone slides into the seat next to you, your rotten ex-boyfriend Max.

"Well, look what we have here." He jeers.

"You stood me up on our date." He adds tone becoming violent.

"Look, we broke up." You snap, closing your computer and shoving it in your bag.

"You are coming with me." He growls in your ear. He them proceeds to wrench you up by the arm and drag you out of the library.

He keeps pulling you until you are in the alley next to the library. He leans down to kiss you and you spit, hitting him in the cheek.

"You Bitch!" He yells slapping you. You cry out in pain and bring your hand up to your stinging face. He slaps you again on the other side and you yelp, tears springing to your face.

"You are going to pay for everything." He snarls. With that he punches you in the stomach and you double over. He pushes you and you sprawl to the ground. That is when you start screaming, out of pain, but mostly trying to get someone to help you. He gets in a few more hits before you hear someone yelling.

"Don't touch her!" Then a crunch of a broken nose, followed by a muffled moan and Max falls to the floor unconscious.

"Hey, you're alright. I am going to take you to the hospital." A soft voice whispers in your ear. That is all you remember before you wake up in the hospital, a good-looking young man about your age asleep in the chair beside you.

You ache everywhere and have multiple bandages on your body.

"Hey, your awake." The guy in the chair says.

"Yeah." You reply, still a little woozy on the painkillers.

"Who are you?" You ask.

"Sam, Sam Winchester." He replies.

"I've seen you around." You mutter.

"Yeah." He smiles.

"Thanks for saving me." You add.

"No problem." He says.

"Take my number, I'd like to get to know the man who saved my life a little better." You say weekly. He hands a small scrap of paper and a pen. You jot down your number and hand it back. Suddenly a wave of exhaustion kicks in and your eyes slide shut.


As a guardian angel you got to spend a lot of time on earth. Your human was a hunter, meaning she got into a lot of trouble that you had to save her from. You where pretty sure she knew you helped her, but she never said anything.

One day when your hunter was working on a case she met two other hunters. Sam and Dean, you knew how much trouble they where so you wanted to get her away from them. The case was simple and you hoped they would finish it soon. During the hunt though the hunter Dean was reckless and probably would have died multiple times, but you could sense that he had his own angel.

Once the hunt was over however the two hunters invited your human to keep working with them.  They go to a hotel and rent two rooms, while you are watching over her you hear the light swish of feathers. Another angel, you look around and see none, then you hear a third voice from the Winchesters room. You look in to see an angel in a tan trench coat. He looks up from his conversation and meets your eyes.

Immediately he appears next to you and drags you over to the boys.

"This angel was spying." He says in a gruff voice. Dean comes up with a shiny silver angel blade.

"Who are you?" He snaps blade to your throat.

"I am (Y/N), I'm a guardian angel." you gasp, on the verge of tears.

"Who are you guarding?" Sam asks.

"Her." You reply as your hunter walks through the door.

"What is going on?" She asks.

"This angel is claiming that she is your guardian angel." The other angel explains.

"So that's whats been saving my ass, I suspected it was something." She grins.

"Would you mind moving the blade?" You ask.

"Yeah, right. Sorry." Dean says pulling away.

"Thanks. I really should get going, I am not supposed to be in contact with my human, I don't know why you are." You say looking at the angel.

"I am not his guardian. I am Castiel." He replies.

"Then why'd you save him during the hunt?" You ask.

He stammers. Dean looks awkwardly at Castiel. 

"Well goodbye." You say and disappear.

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