How You Meet (Avengers)

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Steve Rogers/ Captain America:

S.H.I.E.L.D had been abuzz as soon as Steve Rogers had woken up. You were assigned to debrief him after he calmed down enough to listen. You had just gotten called.

"Agent (Y/N) Steve Rogers is ready to talk." A voice in your ear buzzed. You took a calming breath and walking into his room.

"Mr. Rogers, I am here to bring you up to speed on the world today." You say. He looks up.

"What's your name?" He asks.

Agent (Y/N)." You reply.

"Well Miss (Y/N) what happened after I went under?" He asks.

"Well we won the war." You reply. 

"Okay, what do I need to know about... what year is this." He questions.

"The year is 2012, our technology has become far more advanced." You reply.

You told him everything, that wasn't in books or online, the rest was history.

(Sorry this is so short, I had no ideas)

Tony Stark/ Iron Man

You're friends had convinced you to go to one of Tony Starks legendary Parties. You wore a long black dress, simple but sexy. 

"You know you're going to love it." (Y/F/N) said as you pulled up to the base of Stark tower. The valet opened the door and you stepped out. You followed the stream of people and made your way to the top floor. Music boomed and voices roared. Your friends dragged you over to the bar and thrust a drink in your hand. 

"We are going to go dance!" They yelled over the music and walked off. You walk over to the corner of the room and  sit down in a booth. You sit there for a few moments lost in though until two people tangled in each other collapse across from you. You cough after a long minute of them not noticing you. They break apart and you see none other than Tony Stark with some hot celebrity. 

"Sorry." She mutters before walking away. Tony doesn't move. 

"Did you want something?" You ask. 

"No, unless you want to join us." He smirks. 

"No way." You reply disgusted.

"What am I not good enough?" He asks. You just roll your eyes. 

"What's your name?" He asks.

"(Y/N)" You reply.

"Well (Y/N), can I start over?" He asks, becoming less drunk. Pushing the girl off of him. 

"Sure." You say intrigued and a little bored.

"Would you like to have lunch, where we can get to know each other better?" He asks.

"As long as your not just drunk." You reply not knowing what you got yourself into.

Thor Odinson

Today was the first day of your new job, you were working as a guard in the palace. You had grown up in the shadow of Asguards palace. You went there everyday had trained to become a guard. 

"(Y/N), you are assigned to prince Thor, be nice. Only talk when asked a question or told or speak." The Captain says before walking off. You nod to yourself and walk off to find the fair prince. You found him in his room. You gave the door a light knock and walk in.

"Prince, I am to be your personal guard." You say.

"Well come in (Y/N), let us get to know each other." He says with a confident voice. You walk in and stand awkwardly near Thor. 

"Where did you grow up?" He asks. You smile and walk over to the window and point at your small house.

"There. In the shadow of the palace." You say.

"Is that why you wanted to be a guard?" He asks.

"Yes, that and the fact that I always wanted to serve asguard." You reply. 

"Well, would you like to go to for a walk?" He asks standing up.

"It is not my decision, I just follow you." You reply. He smiles and walks out the room. 

Bruce Banner/ Hulk

You walked into the lab and almost dropped your coffee. A man was leaning over your desk. He spun around as you yelped.

"Who are you?" You ask shocked.

"Oh, I think I am in the wrong lab." He says with a scared look on his face. You smile.

"You must be the one and only Bruce Banner." You say walking over and shaking his hand. He fidgets nervously. 

"I was just looking at your work." He says motioning at my desk, you blush.

"I am sorry it's so messy, it is in the early stages of planning." You say. 

"Um, well it's nice to meet you, but I think I need to get back to Tony. Do you think you could show me the way?" He asks with a small smile.  You nod and walk out the room. Once you reach Tony's lab you smile at Bruce and walk away.

"Wait." You hear Bruce yell. You turn around.

"What's your name?" He asks.

"Dr. (Y/N)." You reply before walking away. 

Clint Barton/ Hawkeye

The cafe you had been sitting in just ten minutes ago was gone. Destroyed by freaking aliens! As soon as the portal had opened in the sky you knew everything was about to go to shit. You were now you were running down the street. Somehow you missed the perimeter the cops had set up up a perimeter. Eventually you notice that there were no people on the streets. As you walked you heard muffled shouts and bangs, the sounds of battle. You stumble onto a street where the sounds of battle had ben coming from. Aliens were attacking six people, well some weren't people. One thing was large and green. Another was a man in a metal suit. The rest all looked like normal people except one had a large hammer that was sizzling with electricity. Suddenly one of the aliens lands in front of you with a hiss.

You let out an undignified yelp, and try to run, the thing backs you up into a wall but before you can react it crumples to the ground an arrow coming out of it's head. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" A man asks as he walks up and pulls the arrow out of the aliens head. 

"I um, I got lost." You mutter.

"Great, now I have to babysit." He grumbles.

"Or I could fight, I know a whole bunch of martial arts." You say catching up to him as he walks away.

"Fine, but if you get hurt, it's not my fault. My name's Clint by the way." He replies before handing you a gun from his holster. You hold the gun up and flip the safety off. You aim at one of the aliens and pull the trigger, the alien crumples and falls to the ground dead.

"You may be useful after all." Clint says with a smile. 

Black Widow/ Natasha Romanov

"Order up for (Y/N)." The Barista yells, you get up from your table and walk over to the counter where you are handed your coffee. You thank him and walk back to your table where you find a red headed women sitting there looking at your computer.

"Um, excuse you!" You say pulling the computer away from her. 

"Hi, I'm agent Romanov and I need your research on the strange events from around the world, I know you've been keeping a record." She says with a small smile.

"Well agent Romatov I don't care what you or the CIA want this is my personal laptop and I don't have to give you anything!" I say outraged.

"It's Romanov and I'm not with the CIA, why don't you come with me and I'll explain. This will be a lot easier if you just say yes." She says standing up.

"Fine, but don't go ordering me around like I'm some puppet." I say putting my computer in my bag and putting it over my shoulder.  She grins.

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