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"Ya? What's going on?" I heard a familiar voice say.

I turned around and saw Taehyung.

"It's for the new girl. She needs to know that we don't want someone from the low class girl to stay in our school." I heard a guy say.

Other voices started to bicker about me,as if they knew me personally.

I tried my best to not tear up, but I couldn't handle it.

I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. I looked up to see Taehyung. Behind him was his crew.

"You guys think it's okay to keep doing this to new people who enter our school." Taehyung spoke.

He looked down at me, as I was begging him to stop.

"She's obviously better than most of you guys. She came from a lower class from us, so what? She earned her way up to our level, as she entered into this hard school."

Everyone became quiet, as Jimin removed his uniform jacket, giving it to me.

Taehyung grabbed my arm and took me out of the canteen.

"Why couldn't you stand up for yourself? People already warned you." Taehyung scolded me,as he took a blue piece of clothing out.

It was a blue handkerchief.

He wiped off flour and eggs off my face.

The bell rang and it was time for the fourth class of the day.

I removed Jimin's jacket, handing it to him.

"No, you keep it. You can wear it now, to cover the stains."

I didn't respond, but gave him a shy smile.

◎   ◎   ◎

I came into my fifth class of the day, and sat down, with some huge stains all over my clothing.

As the bell rang, our teacher was about to close the door, but someone stopped it.

It was our prinicpal.

"Can I see Lee Min Jae?" He asked. I gulped, and started to breath heavy.

"Yes." Our teacher scanned the room, before looking at me.

I got up, and grabbed my backpack, and went outside of the class room.

◎   ◎   ◎

"Why didn't you protect yourself, Miss Lee Min Jae?" The school principal scolded me.

"I-it wasn't my fault. I was about to leave the canteen, and the kids t-they were-" I kept stuttering as I was looking around the room.

I don't even know why I was even in the principal's room. I didn't do anything wrong.

The principal began writing down something on a piece of paper.

"Here take this, and grab your things." I grabbed the piece of paper he handed me.

On the paper it said,"One day suspension. Lee Min Jae, 9/25/15"

"WHAT?!" I jumped out of my seat. "But sir, I didn't do anything wrong!"

"Do you want another day of suspension, Miss Lee Min Jae?"

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