Please Just a Little Bite?

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"Ethan!" I smirk staring at my mother now standing in my doorway  

her hair a new shade of purple "You did this I know you did"

"Why couldn't Elliot have , why does everything that goes awry in this house have to be MY handiwork?"

"Elliot isn't like your father" I shrug so sue me I chose to live a little and my twin St. Elliot decided everything was dangerous and had his face consistently buried into books. 

"I'm getting your father you're impossible" that had me back tracking

"I'm sorry mom I really am I thought that was Hayley's shampoo"

She chuckled "That's better, breakfast is ready" she shot me a glare “I’d fix plates but I have to wash my hair out"

"Mom I like your hair purple"

"Shut the hell up before I make you permanently"

"Did you not get some last night" she growled at me and I knew instantly I hit a sore spot "Then it isn't my fault your panties are in a bunch"

Mom stormed out and I smirk I loved driving my mother crazy except when dad's home I frown

He's such a fucking hardass I wonder what my mom ever seen in him he never seemed fun to be around but mom assured me he was

Yeah a million years ago ... Maybe when dinosaurs still roamed the Earth

Just then Hayley burst in. Glaring I flash her my infamous I'm the shit smirk

“You’re the devil’s spawn” she spat pointing to her normally brunette hair now a magenta

“Why what did I do to deserve such a compliment”

“I'm telling dad”

I shrugged  “Tell him” the most he was going to do is ground me and that’s what a window was invented for 

I rose and walked into my twin’s room where as usual I found the nerd  reading I scoffed we may have grew up together but we couldn’t be any different. I didn’t hate Ell quite the contrary I loved him , I just couldn’t understand him for shit   most of  the time ill nod and pretend like I care which I don’t “You shouldn’t have done that”

“Yeah I should have the little squirt has been putting ants in my bed for months now”

He shook his head “ You’re seventeen you’re next in line for the Alpha position and you still stoop to the level of a nine year old” he tsked “We’re  all doomed”

“Shut up” I  leap on his bed beside him “ She started it”

“She’s nine, you’re almost a grown man”

“I swear you are such a stick in the mud”   At first glimpse you can tell we’re twins we had our mother’s  everything except  when it came down to our eyes I  had our  father’s eyes but El had our mother’s hazels

I worked out more than he did so I have a more muscular build  but what would he need it for as soon as he graduated he was going to college . I frown sometimes I'm ashamed to say we’re even remotely related

“Besides that dad still has an axe to grind with you about you sneaking out”

I sigh “ I can’t ever have fun in this damn house”   that was it , I'm not going to wait around  like a cow for the slaughter   throwing on my white shirt i get up 

“Ethan I wouldn’t leave” Elliot warned

“You wouldn’t kill a bug if dad said not to, I’m out  catch you later” I shut the door and I head for my friends house

The only way my dad was going to catch me  was if he searched  every house around the world

Ill be damned if I have to listen to a single thing he has to say  I'm not anything like Elliot its time they stopped trying to force me  to be  

Im Ethan Arias and I do whatever the hell i want damn everybody else 


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