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“You’re taking too long” I hiss at my brother keeping my  hands securely wrapped around the humans neck “ You’re not going to mate the kid, kill him and get it over with” Snow  scoffed  obviously amused

“Silence”  I leaned in  enjoying the human squirming  under my grasp  the boy was  cute he had   dirty blonde hair soft blue eyes too bad I was old enough to be his mother’s   grandmother’s mother . Oh and he already knew I was dangerous   he could have made an excellent snack but those don’t last very long roughly 80 years if I'm lucky,  that is if  Snow or Roland don’t kill them first. “Shh it’ll be over soon” my lips caressed his neck I could smell his heart racing he knew he was going to die. A part of me always wished there was another way seeing as it wasn’t attractive being a blood sucking   demoness  , but I  didn’t like the taste of animal blood  personally  all that fur was a major turn off.

“ Come on love  it’s quick just  snap his bloody neck” Roland sat perched on a tree branch

“It’s not like we have anywhere to be boys” I reminded them “ There isn’t too many place left to migrate to that we haven’t been, besides we’re  just getting to know each other right?”  He nodded   thinking if he just said all the right things he’d survive

He wouldn’t.   I snapped his neck in one gentle twist before plunging my teeth deep in his neck. I don’t know why I always killed my victims before I drank from them, maybe because I didn’t want to be anyone’s sire or maybe because I knew what that pain felt like and no one should have to go through that

Death was a much better alternative than what I am

“Finally, I never thought you would finish” Snow mumbled

“Hey that’s actually a record breaking time for you Celeste” Roland chuckled leaping down  getting back to my side as we trekked through the now blood stained snow

“Shut up before I kill you”

“You weren’t the one freezing your ass  off”

“I wasn’t one of you brilliant gents who picked Alaska” I hit them both upside the head. These two were morons but they were my morons  

I’d known Snow for as long as I was a vampire so for centuries except back then he was nothing more than a lemonade drinking southern gentleman with a buzz cut. Now he has snow white hair hence his nickname too many years roaming the Earth has taken that young man shine from his once violet eyes. 

We’d recently come across Roland who was playing darts at a billiard hall where Snow decided he wont to go to  because it looked like it was full of scoundrels, oh how I miss that Snow he was  a vocabulary book of fun  at the time I drug him in any way to  his dismay  long story short  I beat Roland at billiards and he’s been at my side for over a decade now ‘Any  woman that can beat me has to be something else’  ever since he’s decreed himself my bodyguard

“Well Princess, since you don’t like roughing it then where are we headed ?”

“We’re going to Sacramento boys”

they both made a face “ Why the hell would we go there,  who wants to go to Barbie capital of the world”

“Obviously me, unless you want me to go alone” Snow sighed immediately  he never could say no to me I was just  the only thing that kept him going” I raised an eyebrow hands on both my hips “ I’ve  been by your sides since before the Vietnam War   don’t you trust me”

“Not even if my soul depended on it Cell”

“Snow I'm seriously rethinking  your usefulness to me”

Both of them sighed “ Fine Cell we’ll go, but that’s it we’re never going back to California  even when its time for us to migrate”

I'm not sure what was making me yearn to go to California but it was the strongest desire I’ve ever had

“Now all we have to do now is get out of all this damn snow”

“We  are  never , ever, ever , ever going back to Alaska “ I sing loudly earning myself an icy  glare

“Keep  that up and you’ll never have vocal cords”

“Snow, I don’t think that’s  a bad idea” Roland agreed 

“Now that you mention it...”

“You’re both dead to me”

“You can’t kill the already frozen”

“I can steal your rings and leave you to burn in the sun”

“You wouldn’t be that evil” Snow laughed

“Try me Snow”

“Sorry Cell”

“Yeah Sorry” Snow muttered

Sacramento isn’t going to know what hit them  

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