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“Arias!”  My best friend Miguel   ran out of his house to match my pace “What’s up?”

“Nothing I need a drink” 

“What did you do this time?” 

“Xander’s being a complete ass because I got wasted the night before and I skipped the Alpha meeting the next morning by sleeping in”

“You’re a fucking mess; he hasn’t kicked you out yet?”  I slug his shoulder “Well let’s got to Caleb’s I'm sure he has some emergency cervezas somewhere in that house of his”

I smirk “Sounds like a plan”

“You’re too much of a party boy to be Alpha” Miguel laughed “Eres salvaje

“I haven’t hit eighteen yet, there’s time for me to get premature greys and a mate whose constantly pregnant I'm not ready to be tied down yet”

So Xander was just going to have to wait a little while longer


I tilt the bottle to my lips as Miguel and Caleb who we’re both already three sheets to the wind  began to     ditch their clothes and leaped   in Caleb’s pool  “ C’mon Eth stop being a coward”

“Maybe in a minute I'm still not drunk enough to think that actually isn’t even a little bit gay” my vision was already blurring “Just one more bottle”

“Nope” I glare as the Corona was ripped from my palm I rose stumbling all the while

“Hey give me that back”  I shut up finding myself face to face with my father’s fucking Beta Clayton “I swear you’re a fucking pansy”

He sighed “  Come on kid, let’s you get you back your dad is blowing his top… Again”

Why doesn’t he just give the stupid title to goody two shoes”

“Your dad sees promise in you, always has”

“He’s an asshole, this is my life I’ll do whatever the hell I want”  I   lost my balance and accidently pushed into him before he held me straight

I didn’t want to be  like my dad  who   never got to live his life because he was too focused on my mom  or like Elliot  who wet his pants at even the thought of  having a life “Drinking doesn’t make you a man kid it just makes you dumb, dumb and a father”

“I'm not going with you Clay”  I could face my hardass of a father tonight  not now

“You’re trying so hard to fight this, face it  whether you like it or not an Alpha you were born our Alpha you will die”

“I never  wanted this” I didn’t want to spend months from a family that’s supposed to mean the world to me I'm not  supposed    to make my fucking mate cry because she’s being neglected

Fuck being Alpha if it meant I was going to sideline the people who really matter

“Over my dead body I'm going home so you’re gonna have to make me”

“You know if your dad had a choice he would’ve been around more when you were growing up”

“Everyone has a choice, he made his and I’m making mine”

“ Ethan”

“Hear me loud and clear, screw being Alpha, screw my father, screw this whole Pack” I meant every word I said for years I loathed being next in line because I’ve seen  firsthand what it’s like “ My father is a complete asshole and I hate him”  Always have he was never around, when I  learned to ride a bike,  my first day of school, my first friend

His missed all of that because he chose to be Alpha 

Well I choose to hate his guts . 

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