chapter 45

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When we got in Scott's car we were trying to decide out were we are going to go

"I know where we can go" Scott said
"Where" I asked
"It's a surprise" he answered
"Why, can you just tell me" I begged
"No you will find out soon" he said back
"Fine" I said back

We where driving for about 20 minutes and than he stopped at a flower shop that was on the side of the rode

He pulled over and got out.
I had a confused look on my face than he looked at me and laughed.
5 minutes after he came back with 2 bunches of flowers
"I gather one of them is for me" I said looked at one of them
"No sorry there for Oliver" he said with a little giggle at the end
"Who's Oliver " I asked
He didn't say anything just smiled and gave me one of them and than sat the other on the back set

We continued to drive until we stopped at a graveyard
"Why are we.. Never mind" I said
"Um come on lets go" he said rapping his arm around my shoulder and leading me threw the gates
We stopped at a gravestone and it read olive smith
"Is this your mum" I asked leaning on his shoulder
"Yeah she would have loved you so much" she said kissing me on my forehead
"Anyways hey mum I miss you every single day I'm so sorry I have not been here for a few days" he started to say than started to tear up than putting the bunch of flowers leaning on the gravestone 
"Mum this is London she is amazing and the best thing is I'm going to be a father to are baby yes I'm going to be a father" he said with the biggest smile he could possibly have
"Hey I'm London" I said feeling a bit weird at first than I relies I have not even been to see my dad yet
"Y-your son is a-amazing" I added on trying to not burst out crying
But I did I started to cry
"What's wrong babe why are... is it your dad" he asked
"Yeah" I said facing him and raping my arms around him and face my head in his chest than his big arms rapped around me making me feel safe
"Hey babe its ok do you want to go and see him after" he asked trying to make me feel better
"Yeah that would be good thanks babe" I said lifting my head up

And before I knew it he crashed are lips together .we stopped after about a minute but felt like forever
After Scott said goodbye to his mum we walked of to his car holding hands he held my hand the whole car ride to my dad.
We come to a stop and we get out we had picked up some flowers before we got here, I picked them up and got out of the car Scott holding the Door for me than grabbing my hand and walking threw the gates.
We looked for about 5 minutes than found my dad's gravestone I knelled down than lent the flowers on the gravestone.

"Hey dad I cant remember if you ever met Scott but now you have he is amazing dad yous to would have gotten along" I said looking down at the ground
"Hey look on the bright side my mum and your dad are together" Scott said to be giving me a big kiss on the forehead
"And dad I know your going to get angry but please don't.. I'm pregnant" I said
We where there for I good hour just taking after I told him. It didn't feel weird at all it felt like he was right here with me but all I was doing was talking to the ground
We than left and we got in the car
"hey baby can I take you to some amazing place" he asked
"yeah sure I don't want this day to end" I answered back

Scotts POV

"Ok it takes about an hour from here so do you want to go and get something to eat before we go" I asked
"Yes please I thought you would never ask I'm so hungry" London answered
"Ok cool because I am as well" I said
We drive to the closest fast food place we went threw the drive threw and got are food than started are hour journey to this amazing place.
The way there consisted of singing and dancing to all the song s that played and sometimes talking when the adds were on the radio we turn it down and talk about mostly everything before we don't know what to talk about than turn it back on just in time for the new song that is playing.

The journey took longer than I thought it was closer to two hour.
I turn down a rode than the rode turns into gravel than the gravel turns into dirt than we are surrounded with miles of trees than I stop at a little spot not fare from where I want to show London.

"Hey we need to walk for a few minutes is that ok we will you be ok" I asked concerned for her and defiantly foe the baby
"I'm only about a month pregnant I'm fine" she answered back with a sassy tone
"Ok we should start walking" I said pulling her in the direction we have to go
After about 5 minutes of walking we walk out to an open waterfall.
You could here the sound of the water splashing at the end of the waterfall
The birds singing and the leaves on the trees moving in the breeze
it is the best place to come to think and just relax
"This is amazing how the hell did you find this place" London asked
"Well I don't now to be honest I just came across it one day and said this is a nice spot and I know this sounds supped but I always said I was going to being the one I love here" I said than looking at the floor in embarrassment
"No it doesn't supped its so cute" she said
A smile grew on my face than I looked up and just stared at her she looked amazing with the sun shining on the water reflecting onto London made here look like an angle. I just walked up to her one hand holding her face than the other holding her neck as I crashed are lips together, are lips moving insinc than she pulled away

"What was that for" she said
"Why did you pull away" I said at the same time
"I was just wondering why you did that" she asked
"You just looked like an angle" I said making London blush
And London dose not blush
"I know this is going to sound really supped but what are we" I asked getting a confused look from London
"What do you mean" she said with her eyebrows still scrunched up
"Like what are we relationship wise" I asked than her face changed she looked a little pissed
"That's a supped question to ask don't you think" she said with a slight anger n her voice
"So we are like together like boyfriend and girlfriend" I said trying to get it right
"Yes" she said she started to walk up to me to give me a hug than all of a sudden splash.
She had pushed me in
"You're going to pay for that London!" I yelled getting shaking the water out of my hair 
"You have to catch me first" she said giving me a grin.
I stood up out of the water and I don't think she realized because I grabbed her by the waist than got into the water whiles she is squealing thinking the water is going to be cold

"The water is not even cold" she said as she stopped and just looked at me
I dove under water over to under the waterfall London following we stood up.
"I want to kiss you so bad right now" London said giving me a wink
"London where did that come from" I asked
"I don't know" she replied
"I don't care but I like it.. Come on and do it than" I said
Before I new it are lips where crashed together again it was amazing the water falling on top of us and the sun shining still.
We get out than I try and find something to dry us of with, I find an old sheet than I rapped it around London
"What about you: she asked
"I'm fine" I replied

About four house later we get back to London's house

She had fallen asleep so I picked her up than went inside and tucked in and I kind of fell asleep.
Hey guys I don't know but I want to finish this book soon should I time jump or should I go for a little longer. There will still be about another 5 to 10 chapters left. I'm just getting a little bored with it but let me know what you think.


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