Meeting him. Chapter 2

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Scott- bright blue eyes(like the ocean), a tanned skin tone, black hair and looks really fit
Lock eyes.....

I see his eyes they are an amazing bright blue, I got lost in them for a second or 2. It was like getting lost at sea.
He looked away after those few seconds to scan the rest of the room. While he was doing that I was still looking at him I blushed a little. After him scanning half the room he looked staring back at me with a little smurk on his face, he could probably see me blushing.


As I walk in the classroom I was so scared but I was also excited to make new friends. The teacher walked in and all I could see was that girl from the other day, she was straight in front of me, well she is in the back corner but as I looked up we lock eyes her eyes are a gorgeous green, I got lost for a few seconds, I don't know where to but I knew it was amazing.
I looked away to scan the room. I see a few guys I would like to make good mates with. I realise that the girl is still looking at me I look and I see her blushing, a smirk grew on my face.


The teacher gives us assigned seats and Scott was in one of my views so I could see him and itwas pretty good.


Scott was going around saying hey to everyone. Sam, Carly, lilac and I are sitting where we normally sit. We were talking about the sleepover we are planing for the weekend
"Can I come" a voice said behind me with a little chuckle after
"Hell no" with a confused look on my face as I turned around
All the girls could see who it was before I could so they also had a confused look on there faces
"Oh hi" I said to him
"Haha I'm Scott what is all your girls names" Scott said with a few of his new friends behind him
"I'm lilac that's Sam this is Carly and she is London" she replied to him
"hey I remember you from the office" he quickly said
"yep that's me" I said with the that's so ravin tune
Everyone just laughed and I joined in.
I remember what he said first "maybe another time" I said with a joking tone to it.

"Ring" the bell goes to go back in class

I hope my second page is good I tried my best to add more exiting things in it


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