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Levi's P.O.V

Working, medicine, patients, blood, night, day, that's how I spend my days. There is no day I don't sleep comfortable. I have always dedicate my life to them since I was sixteen, and why should I feel sick or tired dealing with them? Well the reason is simple, I hate seeing people in pain, of course I believe pain is the only way to be teach, but I mean emotionally not physically. Patients who suffer and fake smiles so their friends or family won't notice how much suffer waiting to be cure. As a major professional doctor I do my best to safe them.

"Levi, do you like guys?" I almost spit my tea, when Hangi ask me that question.

"Why do you ask?"

"You see, Petra has a big crush on you– no more like she is in love with you!" Hangi said with her hands going while in the air.

Like Hangi said, Petra is in love with me, but the problem is that I don't see her that way, and probably I will never will.

"I know, but I don't see her that way. Petra is like a little sister to me, that is all." I sigh.

"So you do like men!" She exclaim this time.

Man, I just hate this kind of interrogations. Who do you like? Or do you like this person? Do you like man or woman? This questions can get me piss off. People will always be a pain in the ass.

"Look, if I like man, woman or both is none of your business. I'm not saying I'm not against to those who are gay or lesbian. I just don't want to spend my time in something pointless call love." Hangi only stare at me and a smile appear in her face.

"Levi, the word 'love' can be pointless to you now, but when you meet the love of your life, you will wish to protect them with all your life, and is never too late to love someone more that you do..." She look down for a while, but a cheerful smile appear in her face.

"By the way Eren and you make a good couple! The two most handsome man in the hospital becoming a couple!? Oh my, it will take my breath away, plus all girls who like yaoi will fangirl all over the places! I can't wait for that moment!!" Hangi keep talking about how Eren and me make a good couple and blah blah. We 'may' look like a good couple, but like I said not interest. I only want to focus on my studious.

'For love is never too late'.

At last Hangi left my office but before she left she told me 'come to the cafeteria.' I don't know what she mean by that but that woman can play her cards very well.

Is it me or this woman, has gone totally insane?
Eren's P.O.V

"And that is what happened!" Hangi said while giving a big bite to her apple.

I'm dreaming right? Hangi wouldn't ask him nothing like that right? I mean she can do all crazy stuff, but this? I don't believe it!

I watch Hangi as she told me the story, I'm in a big mess. If Levi ask me about this, I really won't be able to answer nor face him. I wish I was at home.

"H-hey Hangi, I-I know you do crazy things all the the time right? B-but I am dreaming of what did you just said, right?" I startled a little.

"Nope your are not dreaming. Everything I just said is real, you can even ask Levi if you want to!" She smile.

I'm dead this woman just who the fuck is she? How can she not have or feel embarrass? I need to go home, but I just can't leave the hospital. I sigh a little and close my eyes to refresh my mind, just when I open them Levi was standing besides Hangi looking straight at me.


I look at him wide open eyes. Hangi only stand up from her sit and give him a hug. Just how am suppose to face him?

"Hello Jeager."

"H-hello Dr. Levi."

Why do I have a bad feeling about this meeting, and why did he call me by my last name? Is he still mad at me?


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