Chapter 12: Captured

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I rolled around in my bed the next morning for awhile. My parents weren't home so they didn't pull me out of bed that Saturday. Well until I finally rolled out of bed. I looked out the window as a first instinct and noticed a group of four kids that I know well walk towards my house. Let me tell you I never got ready for the day faster than that. Clothes on, hair brushed, breakfast eaten, teeth brushed in about 8 minutes. They arrived two though, luckily I was dressed and had my hair brushed by then so I just let them inside.

There was some awkward tension between Tyler and I, but I was kind of prepared for that. Kevin and Shope told us about how their night panned out since we weren't there for it.

"So at the last song, which was slow, we danced and well right then and and there. Our first kiss!" Shope said with girly excitement. Kevin blushed rubbing the back of his neck. They hugged and then that was pretty well that. They were so cute together.

"I danced with a few people after you two left." Roach said, I wasn't surprised he was better than people let on. He just sometimes uses the wrong moves.

I noticed Tyler was staring at me in a way. I looked towards him and then almost instantly he looked away. Aw that's kinda cute. Wait! Focus Nicole, none of that now. Then I noticed Tyler blushing. D-Did I accidentally say that out loud? Am I talking quietly right now?

In the end of it, and when I got ready, we headed out to the forest. They liked to play a game with these sling shots and paintballs. I prefer staying out of it though. I tried something similar in my old school and that experience was traumatic to whole new levels.

They still insisted I joined them, I kindly declined the offer. Even though it was obvious one team was getting beat. Consistently.

I was watching, and just kept watching contently. Then I couldn't see a thing. Getting pulled away instantly. I let out a small yelp for help but my mouth was covered almost instantly. I had no idea what was happening, or who grabbed me. I tried struggling free but they were strong and that was no joke.

I blindfold was placed on top of my eyes and a gag in my mouth as my arms got tied behind my back. I was so scared, I could barely even struggle. What was going on? Then I remember nothing. At least not until I opened my eyes to see myself in an unfamiliar surrounding. It was an empty, metallic room. One door with heavy duty locks and a small almost paper thin window to let in a sliver into the otherwise dark room. I was chained by the ankle to a chair that must've been built into the room.  Who on earth took me away, and did my friends notice yet?

Tyler's POV
Shope and I were clearly loosing this match. Like we normally did. Then it ended with an usual. We then decided to go get Nicole so we could go get ice cream and then head to my place. Where we normally hung out. Only Nicole was not where we left her, how did we not notice her disappear, how did I not notice her disappear.

We spent a half hour calling her name in the woods and spamming her with panicked text messages and phone calls. No answer. I was worried now, and so were the rest of us.

"Tyler, try and read her mind!" Shope yelled at me. Why didn't I try sooner? I put in my battle ball and searched for her mind, no luck. What was this? I looked towards my friends. A look of real fear crossed each of their faces. We then did what we always did at these points. We consulted Mem and Zen. I hoped and prayed they had a solution to this problem.

Nicole's POV

"How badly do you want to know the Superdudes identity?" A voice asked, I had no idea where it came from. It sounded malevolent none the less so I chose not to answer. "I know who you are, Nicole. I also know about a blog you anonymously run. So do you want to know the answer to your little site?" The voice asked me again. I was scared and nervous. I looked down.

"You are Nicole, right?" The voice persisted in getting me to say something, or respond in some way. I nodded my head. "Good, I could tell you the true identities of these heroes. Only this isn't a freebie." The voice seemed up to something that I didn't like. Then I heard the slide of a door and in walked a being that had to be extra terrestrial. Alien.

"So do you want me to tell you, or not?" He asked.

"I-I want to know, but I want to find them m-myself. Discover on my own." I told him. Stuttering for sure, and scared beyond belief. I told him how I felt though. He immediately looked frustrated.

"Then you can stay my prisoner. They'll come for you." He gave me an evil look and then began laughing evilly as he walked away. Choking on his own laugh as the door slid shut. Leaving me in the room, collapsing to the ground.

I wanted to be saved, to go home. Then again, I felt like I was bait for a trap for whoever this alien was. He wanted the Superdudes I could tell, most likely a rival of some sort. I then started thinking some more, my blog. It's probably why they picked me. Had I wanted to know who they were so easily he'd of probably had an easier trap set. I didn't know much though, I wanted my friends to just show up and save me. They weren't heroes to the town but they were to me. To this girl who came from a place where I could've been murdered by the kids at my school, to a new place where everyone is so positive and friendly to me. Especially those four specific people, who I missed a lot at this particular moment.

So that's the chapter, a lot of big deal stuff is about to go down but that's all I'm going to say because I seriously DON'T want to spoil anything. However I do want to know what you guys think is going to happen. There are many options but I want to see all the possibilities you guys come up with!

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