Chapter 3

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The Picture above is of Chris?....I know! Hot! Wait for the twist coming ....(who is Chris?!?)

~Olivia's POV~

A boy! Seriously, couldn't they have just locked me up with a tiger or something? I was cursing in my mind when I heard him say hello, which brought me back to reality

Hi, I replied. "I'm Chris" he said in a friendly voice bringing his hand forward for me to shake. Hi, I'm Olivia ! I shook his hand with a smile just because this was my first ever interaction with a guy around my age.

Well, to be honest a hot guy. Chris had a built up body, not the kind that is too much but the type which is enough to be intimidating. And the tight t-shirt he was wearing which was of course sticking to his tense body muscles made it near to impossible to not stare ,but I had to control, still cursing myself in my mind.

"Well, it is a pleasure to meet you and have you as my roommate, Olivia" he said. Oh boy, it was so awkward for me. I didn't know whether I should smile or say something or ignore him. God! Seriously, would it hurt him to not look the way he looks? But gladly, I was snapped out of that incredibly uncomfortable moment as an announcement was made and we heard a lady's voice speak

I presumed it was Mrs. Vale , and it was. "Good evening to you all. I'm Mrs. Vale the principle of The Frampton University. I am sure that you all are looking forward to your classes to beginning but for the time being, you all shall settle down in your dorms.

As it is Friday evening and soon night shall be upon us there is going to be a bonfire party held in the main garden at 8:00p.m and your presence is compulsory." And that was the end of the announcement. "So... Olivia where are you from?" oh, god his voice, it was so deep and mesmerizing.

"I'm...I'm from Hilliditch" I answered. "And you?" of course, that was the only thing I could think of for our little conversation to continue. I saw his face lit up and an annoying yet an attractive smirk began to appear on his face.

He didn't respond immediately so I continued to make my bed and put my clothes in the wardrobe which was on my side of the room. "Tranzeta, I'm from Tranzeta" he finally said. An involuntary sound of "oh" left my mouth before I knew it. He and I both knew the reason for why my face dropped for a second before I lit it up again.

It was because only the most sophisticated, rich but not necessarily spoiled people live there. I could only dream of living there. A place where money is a piece of paper, a place where money had no value or cost and I am sure that Chris knows what kind of a place Hilliditch is.

It is a place where money is not just some piece of paper but is worth more than people's lives. People could kill you if you had enough money to last a month without having to work for it every single day. "So.... Beautiful, we don't have any classes today and we have 3 hours till the bonfire."

Do you want to go out?" I was surprised by the way he called me 'beautiful'. Did he mean it? Of course not! I am nowhere near even pretty and even pretty would be extremely exaggerating . And go out with him? I barely know him, or this place.

Where would we go ? And anyway it would be way too awkward for me. "Olive, you okay?" he asked "I...I have...never been with a...guy before so this is kind of strange for me" I confessed.

Chris suddenly laughed , and if it was a different situation I would have loved to look at his cute dimples that appeared when he laughed but I was telling him something kind of personal and he laughed at it, but that didn't bother me much.

I didn't expect him to understand anyway. "I won't bite I promise, and we aren't going on a date or anything so don't feel conscious or awkward. We are just two friends going out for a drive" He said. I took a deep breath and finally was able to say "okay, but only after I take a bath"

"Deal" he said in a low raspy voice which sent shivers up my spine. Before I turned around from him I saw a cute smirk playing on his lips but I didn't bother to think the reason behind it. I picked out a pair of blue jeans and a thin sweater that I really liked to wear after a bath.

I went in the only bathroom Chris and I shared in our dorm. I saw Chris doing something on his phone before entering the bathroom and making sure that the door was locked. I striped myself of my clothes while the hot water was filling the tub.

I sat down in the tub, stretching my legs and arms and letting all my nerves relax as they were way too exhausted from my journey here. I washed myself with a lavender maple body wash which my sister and I used to love to take baths with when we were kids.

The enchanting fragrance was filling the room as I heard a knock on the door, "Olive,are you coming out or are you waiting for me to come and get you?" he said. "Don't you dare, you wouldn't possibly and I'm on my way out." I replied wondering whether he really would come in.

Of course, he wouldn't and I pushed that thought right out of my head. I pulled my skin tight jeans and loose thin sweater and walked out. Just as I exited an amazing fragrance filled my senses. His cologne was so heavenly and the way he looked standing right in front of me made me want to stare as long as possible.

‌He had a black straight fit jean with a plain dark grey shirt clinging perfectly to his body which showed off his incredible biceps and broad shoulders and to top it all off a black leather jacket. Before I could say or do anything he said "you know, staring isn't good manners"

What? Oh, shit I have been there all the time staring at him without even realizing it. Heat flushed upwards to my cheeks and I could bet I was looking no less than a five year old who just put on her mother's blush.

"I-I....." no words, no fucking word left my mouth. "Its fine, I'm just messing with you." He said with a smile on his face showing his really cute dimples. "Shall we?" he continued.

I nodded my head as I finished hair drying my hair and tying them in a high yet loose ponytail. We left our dorm and I followed Chris until we reached the school's parking lot. He took his car keys out and pressed a button and we saw a light flash on one of the cars there.

Of, course he had a car, I would bet he has more cars than just this awesome black Range Rover. He opened the door of the car for me and I sat myself down as he walked towards his side and sat on his seat and started the car.

As the realization hit me I quickly asked him maybe a little too quickly but still... "Where are we going?" I asked. "Oh, just a little drive to a park I know...there is this place there that gives you this splendid view of the sunset and I think we will make it there just in time.

Although Chris is not revealed yet....wait for chapter 4 and vote, comment, like and share
To make up for not updating last Sunday I am posing a chapter 2 days before my schedule....
Love, Teen_Brat 💗

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