Truth or Lies?

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"W-what?" I stood there amazed at what I had just heard. I've read stories about people coming out as vampires, but I didn't expect it to be this real and this cliche! I wasn't going to be like the girls in the stories who run to get away from the 'monster', but I didn't exactly believe him.

Jayde had found me and seduced me into wanting it. The kiss she had given me had slowly drawn out my emotions and part of my soul. I was transfixed on her, and my body told me to do it. It was unlike anything else. I wasn't scared. Even though it hurt, I asked her to keep going. I had no idea until now because she had blocked my memories from myself.

"So, you're a vampire?" I struggled to get the words out. They sounded absurd. Fear trickled through my veins like ice, but I wouldn't show it. The kiss meant something else that wasn't fear. It was love. It had to have come from somewhere.

"Yes, but I'm different than Jayde. I'm not going to hurt you. I- this is going to sound crazy, but you... I love you. I've been in love with you for centuries, but you kept dying. In these very woods I lost the love of the life, my best friend. She was you many many years ago. I thought I lost you forever, but here you are again, reincarnated into someone even more beautiful. Jayde killed you back then."

"Jayde is trying to kill me again, I'm guessing?" I didn't want him to think I didn't believe him, but it was hard to believe it. The vampire thing I could see being real because of my encounter with Jayde, and his fangs were now fangs instead of regular sized canines. The reincarnating stuff, though...

"Listen, it's true, I swear. But no, I'm not exactly sure what she's doing. If she wanted to kill you, she wouldn't have given you those pills. You can ask your brother, Aaron."

"Wait, number one, those pills were for my migraines, and number two, why bring Aaron into this? Are you trying to taunt me now?" Rage started taking over, and I could feel my hands turning into fists.

"No, honestly I'm not. I could take you to him right now. Those pills weren't for migraines. They were filled with her blood. In order to turn a mortal into a vampire, you have to give them your blood, and they have to die. If the blood leaves their system before they die, then it'll be like a normal human dying."

He closed his eyes and took a deep breathe. "If you're serious about this whole thing, then take me to Aaron," I said. If Aaron is okay, then I'll be okay. I'll believe him if he does.

"Fine. You can't tell anybody where he is, okay?"

"Why can't I? Andrew, Allyson, and Kyle are all worried about him!"

"Because I can't. Someone gave him blood the day your family died. I was out hunting and smelled the blood, so when I came and saw, I called the ambulance. You looked like you were going to make it, so I left you how you were so you could pick between your family or living. Later on, the person who had given him blood had found him alive. They gave him more and brought him out here. They killed him. I tried to stop them, but it was too late.

"I've been trying to teach him how to act ever since, keeping him away from the people. If he were to be around them now, he would most likely kill them. That's why he disappeared. I let him decide whether he needed my help or not, and he wanted it."

"He's telling the truth, Delilah." I gasped and turned around. Aaron was standing right behind me. He was paler than I remember, and fangs were extended where his normal canines used to be. I ran over and hugged him. "You have to trust him. He's the good guy. I have to stay away for now. I almost killed cousin Kyle last night."

"Who did this to you?" Tears swelled up in my eyes. He just shook his head.

"I don't remember. I'm super strong now, though, and I can run really fast! I don't eat ice cream, anymore though." He smiled. His face suddenly went blank, though. He started running towards me, and before I knew it, I was on the ground watching it play out in slow motion. Drake had Aaron in his arms holding him back. Aaron had black and red bloodshot eyes. It was like Jayde's eyes the moment before she drank from my neck. Bloodlust.

Drake shoved him against the tree and held him by the shirt with one arm. I looked away as another migraine came, pounding in my head so hard I felt as though my skull was splitting. Aaron stopped struggling as his eyes proceeded to turn to normal. Drake rushed over to me as Aaron sprinted away.

"Where's Aaron?" I asked through my teeth. The pain was unimaginable.

"We need to get you home. He's setting himself up. It's fine. We need to go."

"Wh-what's wrong?" I started seeing black dots everywhere. I was shivering and sweating, but I wasn't cold or hot. Pain shot through my body as black overtook my vision.

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