Chapter 1 How it all began and Where it's going

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At the dawn of time and space. The Almighty God created the Omniverse but to protect his greatest creation he created the elemental orbs to seek out those best fitted for them. They will be given power over the elements in a major way plus they will get stronger faster tougher etc. The chosen ones were suppose to protect and bring peace and balance between the good and evil. However  Around 5 billion years before  today on a Planet more advanced then Earth but more divided since on this planet the elements made the people pick a side. The side of light were they those who want to study the elements and do good with them to spread peace by giving hope . The side of Darkness wants to use the elements for power corruption and spread peace through fear. These 2 ideals caused a war that lasted for centuries so many have died on the planet however instead of making a compromise they just kept on fighting. Until 2 brothers of the planet decided to step up to end the war once and for all the problem was they were both on different sides. Axel was on the side of darkness and Zod was on the side of light they saw the elements as a key to end all of this.

On the battle field warriors fight for the elements which were currently located at the center of the planet. " CHARGE WE MUST USE THE ELEMENTS POWER", Axel said charging into enemy fire neither said was willing to lose the elements not a single one. Zod in his studies after large amounts of resecrah  he headed to the battlefield with news. "OH PLEASE LET ME MAKE IT THERE IN TIME", Zod said. The battle rages on as Zod rushes to the battlefield as his brother sees him soldiers. "RETREAT THE LEGENDARY WARRIOR ZOD HAS COME", Solider said. "Well well looks like my brother is entering the battle about damn time", Axel said raising his weapon against him. Zod shows up to see his brother waiting for him to fight. "Soldiers ATTACK AXEL HE'S THE ONLY ONE ON THE ENEMY SIDE" Zod said commanding the army. As more than a billion soldiers attack Axel he just stands there . "NOT SO FUCKING FAST YOU WILL NOT CHEAT ME OUT OF AN HONORABLE BATTLE", Axel said swinging his hand blowing all the soldiers back and forcing them to retreat. "I'm not trying to cheat you its just I rather not fight my own brother besides I need to get to the elements after the news I just got its urgent brother PLEASE JUST LET ME GO TO THEM", Zod begged his brother. "Why should I let you go so you can fulfill your sides goal not a chance in hell", Axel said attacking his brother. Zod blocked and explained "Listen brother after extensive research and meditating with to the astral plane I saw our planet be destroyed and the last thing I saw was the elements YOU SEE BROTHER THERE DANGEROUS!!!!!!!!". His brother thinks about it and says" Absolute bullshit were at war and you pull that on me get real and just for that I'm going after the elements now since there is no army to stop me". He raced at inhuman speeds to get to the center of the planet Axel was extremely close to gaining the elements power as Zod showed up right after. " What do you hope to accomplish you can't choose the  elements the elements choose you and even if you were to gain the elements power what makes you think you can control it you would be dooming us all", Zod said as he realized maybe his brother was the cause of it all. "YOUR WRONG IT'S TOO LATE ANYWAY", Axel said as he grab the  element of darkness orb. "YOU FUCKING FOOL DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID, Zod said. As the Darkness element consumed him he just felt a rush."YES BROTHER THIS IS IT TRUE POWER TRUE UNRESTCITED POWER AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!",Axel screamed as his body became pitch black and oozing with dark energy. "Oh no I was right ",Zod said grabbing the other elements in a bag however the light element orb choose Zod to be the light elemental. Normally this power would balance the dark power but it was far too late. AS THE NEWLY PROCLAIMED DARK LORD STEPS UP HE DEMSRRATES HIS POWER BY UNLEASHING A DARK BALL . BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AS IT SMASHS INTO THE Planet destroying it. Zod was protected by the light but he had to watch horror about how his home world was destroy but it wasn't over the shockwave was powerful enough to knock Zod into deep space out cold. The new Darklord was fine after explosion and was laughing about the new power.

After sometime has past Zod ended up on a prehistoric Earth with nothing but the elements and the clothes off his back. He then vowed to guard the elements until they have chosen worthy humans to be elementals so the same thing that happened to his planet doesn't happen to this one. About 1 billion years before modern times the once young legendary warrior became an old sage with great power but old he traveled around the world many times and saw a lot of Earth's horrors but a lot of there strengths to. However at the same time monsters of darkness were released on the planet whether it be controlling people or just causing chaos the old man new it was the result of his brother.  Now currently 2 months before present day the old man realized that he was getting to old and couldn't protect the elements much longer so he sent them off to find there own way to find humans worthy of being elementals and soon enough they did.

After they went off they didn't just look for those who should great potential but had great potential stored up inside. After some time about an hour the elements had chosen the humans. Currently only Zod the light elemental and Dark Lord aka Axel the darkness elemental are the only elementals but now there are more. 

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