Chapter 8 The Darkness raises as The Light falls

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The next day the Old man felt his time was about to come so secretly he left a small gift. "Aw it's so cute it's great our species can reproduce asexually but I will still need more time", Old man said to himself. In the city everything seemed normally especially after what happened repairs are being made and the citizens are all doing there part even some of the elementals like Andre ,Camron and Izy are helping since they felt kind of guilty. Everything seemed fine until the 3 elementals felt a dark energy source coming from the sky to them. "Guys you feel that", Camron said. "Yeah it feels dangerous could it be another elemental", Andre questioned. "Most likely it is maybe it's the one Garrett was talking about the Darkness elemental", Izy said. "Well if that's the case will need more than just us Andre your the fastest one here you go get the others code red", Camron said as Andre dashes off at the speed of sound. "Camron you expect just you and me will be enough for this guy", Izy asked. " Absolutely not but we can buy stall him CITIZENS CLEAR OUT OF THE CITY THIS IS NOT A DRILL", Camron said as the people ran out of the city. "At least we won't have to worry about the people come on Camron let's see this new threat", Izy said moving with Camron nervously.

A few minutes pass as the clouds turn pitch black just from his presence a tall dark figure landed in front of the 2 elementals. "Well I never would have expected the elements to be in children but doesn't matter you will all die the same", Dark Lord said. "Camron I'm not going to lie just feeling his energy up close it's horrifying", Izy said. "I understand but we don't have to beat him right now just stall him", Camron said hoping things go smoothly. "Come on it's time for you to make a move or would you prefer me to just get to the killing spree", Dark Lord said while grinning. "FIRE FIST" "IRON CLUB". The attacks hit Dark Lord not even a scratch well. "Really that's all ok then "SHADOW BALL"( a small ball of pure dark energy was being held by him) Now then", Dark Lord said as the attack was about to be fired "BOILING POINT" Camron quickly sensed the energy coming from that ball of energy and quickly grabbed Izy and dashed at jet speeds but even at that speed he couldn't escape the attack. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMM BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE CITY WAS TOTAL DESTROYED THE ONLY THING LEFT IN THE CITY WAS IZY AND CAMRON' BODIES DOWN BUT NOT OUT THE EXPLISON WAS HUGE ENOUGH TO BE SEEN ALMOST ALL AROUND THE WORLD. At the base Andre finally told everyone they got together and just when they were about to head out the Old man said something "Wait there is a secret to the elements there is a key to unlocking it's true power I didn't want to tell you because the enemies up till now I knew you could beat or even if you couldn't I could have". "What's the secret", Edward asked. "You have to have Sex because right now the elements are still orbs or a more proper term eggs they need the energy emotion and passion of 2 beings becoming one to be able to hatch and unleash great power". "Fine then we will get hookers or something", Matthew said. "It has to be feeling of emotion and passion you can't just have sex it has to be love you have to love the person or at least care about the person for it to work", Tamia said. "Also it doesn't matter if its homosexual sex or heterosexual but it can't be incest the energies will be too similar ", Old man explained. "Well then let's go guys", Inah said. "WAIT look we need that power Inah please Izy already broke up with his girl you and Camron are currently the only couple on the team please for the Earth let him have sex with you", Edward said. "No I'm trying to be good and besides I'm not ready yet", Inah explained. "Sex doesn't make you bad but I understand your uncomfortable I will tell Camron the situation when we arrive", Edward said as the elementals set off.

Back on the Battlefield Camron and Izy are barely still up. "Well well well it's about time the rest got here", Dark Lord said as the rest of the elementals should up. Edward explained to Camron and Izy about the power. "WHAT!!!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS", Camron said shockingly. "Yeah so can you please talk Inah into doing it with you especially since you both will get the power up", Edward asked. "She would say no I already know this our relationship isn't sunshine and rainbows you know but don't worry man we will win this then let's train as hard as we can so we can be so strong it doesn't matter if we unlock that power, Camron said. "Good thing I already unlocked it was rather easy", Dark Lord said punching Camron into the sky. "DARK PULSE" the attack hits Inah. She regains her balance
"THUNDER CLAW" as she charges to Dark Lord. He grabs her arm and breaks it throwing her around Andre dashes in from behind "TWIN TWISTER" he directly hits Dark Lord no effect. "What the hell is this guy", Andre said. "SEE THIS IS THE TRUE POWER YOU GUYS COULD HAVE HAD I'M HERE TO SHOW YOU THE DARKNESS "PUNISHMENT", Dark Lord said strikes the elementals down. "Now let's me take my time and have fun you first", Dark Lord staring at Matthew. "ROCK TOMB" Dark Lord was quickly buried underground "EARTH SUBMISSION" Now he was crushed by the ground. "EARTHQUAKE" "He won't get me", Matthew said ready for battle. "REALLY now", Dark Lord said "DARK CANNON" A huge amount of energy was fired right at Matthew "ROCK BODY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH", Matthew screamed as he took the full force of the attack nearly dying in the process of taking the attack however still standing as smoke and crumbling rock fell down. "Matthew nice job", Camron said moving to him. "Thanks but we got a fight to win", Matthew said. "FLOOD GATE" Tons of water came down onto Dark Lord as Tamia surfs it to safety. Dark Lord was unaffected. "I'm stepping in", Garrett said.

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