Chapter 3 The search for the elementals

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After an hour of training in the special room the 3 elementals were ready to get the other elementals. "Wow guys I can't believe we learned all that in an hour", Camron said. "Speak for yourself you have a natural knowledge of superpowers", Edward said. "Besides that room is special 1 hour out here is like 1 month in there 1 day=1year etc", Old man explained. " Well whatever let's just find the other elementals I'm curious to see who they are guys", Inah said grabbing the guys. They soon got ready and flied off to find the rest of there elemental friends by reading there locations on the map.

"Ok here is one place", Inah said rushing to see who was the first elemental we get to see. BOOM!!!! A gust of powerful winds knock them to the ground. Then a force of air takes physical form. "Wow never would have guessed", Camron said as he stares at his friend a tall Hispanic (16 age) teenage boy. "Sup Andre I see you changed just like us ", Edward said. " Yeah I am Andre the Air elemental also the fastest man alive ", Andre said. "OH NO YOUR NOT IM THE FASTEST", Inah proclaimed. "Oh goodness not this Inah calm down you guys really want to find out just have a race", Camron said. They thought it was a great idea as they took there places Inah generated a lot of electricity throughout her body to jump start her. Andre got ready for the race taking his position. " Good luck", Andre said. "Yeah", Inah said. "On your mark....get ready.....get set......GO!!!!!!!!!!!, Edward said setting the racers off its a race around the USA. ANDRE IS CURRENTLY LEADING IN THE RACE AND LOOKS TO ONLY BE GETTING FASTER BUT INAH IS CLOSE BEGIND THEY REACH NEW YORK AND INAH KICKS IT INTO HIGH GEAR KEEPING UP WITH ANDRE AT NEAR THE SPEED OF SOUND AS THEY SOON REACH FLORDIA THEN ZIP BY TEXAS ."You Inah I'm still not at top speed", Andre said about to go max speed. ANDRE STARTS TO FLY AND MOVES AS FAST AS HE CAN POSSIBLY GO. HE MOVES THROUGH CALIFORNIA AT THE SPEED OF SOUND. Inah can barely keep up until. "You know andre I'm also holding back sadly for you I'm the lightning  elemental WHICH MEANS I CAN BREAK THE SPEED OF SOUND!!!!!!", Inah said AS SHE ZIPS PASSED ANDRE IN A BURST OF SPEED ANDRE IS STILL TRYING TO KEEP UP BUT IT WAS TOO LATE BECUASE HE LOST BY 1 Min. "Told you I was the fastest", Inah said. "Congrats Inah baby", Camron said hugging her. "Don't worry Andre your still the fastest man since Inah is a girl", Edward explain. "Yeah cheer up", Inah said. "Thanks guys", Andre said. "Now back to business we need you to join the elementals in our fight and search for the rest of the elementals", Camron said. "Alright I don't see why not I trust you guys so where's are next stop", Andre said. Now apart of the team he flies with us to our next destination.  

About a couple minutes later they find a lot of water on the sidewalk. "Look at all that water I bet an elemental is near by", Inah said. On the ground they notice a girl running down the street. Andre and Inah block her from the front and Camron and Edward got her from behind until "HYDRO PUMP" an attack blasting them aside Inah and Andre smashed through the wall and Camron and Edward hit the ground. "Just go leave me be I'm clearly a monster", The girl said as she made it rain she skated on the water. " Wait we know her", Camron said. "Your right it's Tamia", Inah said. Edward ice skated after her "ICE BEAM" Freezing her from feet to neck. "Tamia why are you running", Edward. " Because I have these weird powers and I feel weird I don't know", Tamia(black teenage girl(17 age)) said. "Well you beautiful smart and cool there is a reason the water element choose you", Edward said. "Yeah your amazing", Inah said. "Now accept who you truly are", Camron said. "Alright I am Tamia the Water elemental", Tamia said kinda awkwardly. "Great now you will be willing to join us", Andre asked. "Yeah sure why not were all friends but what are the bad guys", Tamia said. "I will explain on the way", Inah said proudly.

Later on they decided to take a quick rest until "METAL CLAW" "Oh really now take this "FIRE PUNCH" Camron said as the attacks clashed with 1 another. "Wait I know that hair anywhere", Camron said. "Yep it's your friendly neighborhood Izy( real name Israel but we call him izy(Hispanic age 16 teenage boy) said sitting with the rest of them. "Yeah I'm Izy the Metal elemental", Izy said. "Yeah so I see you guys have powers so want to make a group", Izy said. " We already have a group", Edward said. "Can I join", Izy said. "HAHAHA DO YOU EVEN NEED TO ASK YOUR OUR FRIEND OF COURSE YOUR IN", Camron said accepting Izy just as he is. They all soon make stop to think who else is next.

After they set off again they noticed that the place has rock golems serving some food to someone to someone after following the golem they see. "WOW WHY AM I NOT SURPISED", Camron said seeing Matthew sitting in a chair getting his soda. "Hey guys oh so I see you guys have powers ", Matthew said. "How did you know", Camron said. "I can sense your energy I expected Camron to know how to do this", Matthew said. "Expect nothing from me but still" Camron interrupted. "WOW SO what power you got Matthew and will you join our team", Inah said excitingly. Camron thought to himself " I can't believe Bae is impressed by Matthew". "Well sure I will join IF Camron can beat me in a fight so do you accept Camron" Matthew asked. Camron smiled as they all looked at him to here his answer "HELL YEAH I WILL FIGHT YOU".  "GREAT!!!!", Matthew said taking his stance. "MAN I'M EXCITED I HAVEN'T HAD A GOOD FIGHT IN AWHILE", Camron said taking his stance. "I'm Matthew the Earth elemental prepare to lose", Matthew said. "READY.....SET....BATTLE!!!!!", Everyone said as Camron and Matthew charged at each other. BAM!!!!!!!!!!! the 2 elementals began Camron attacks with fist of flames moving at jet speed. Matthew uses" Rock body" his body becomes complete stone and he tanks the attack Camron a little bit shocked used" Flame body " turns into complete flames and slides like a snake onto Matthew smashing his rock body with his strength and used "Blaze kick" to kick Matthew down the street.  Getting up Matthew used "ROCK WAVE" pillars of sharp rocks attack Camron however he flow into the air. Matthew used" pebble storm" and knocked Camron out of the sky landing on the ground Camron counterstriked by flying at Matthew with blazing speeds attacking with "FIRE FIST" A giant fist of pure flames blast Matthew right in the face. Matthew flies back further but uses the street to create a giant hand grabbing Camron's legs and smashed him across houses and throws Camron into traffic. Matthew flies and having an Earth ring around him uses"STONE EDGE" the rocks attack Camron. He dodges and blast Matthew using"Flamethrower" from his mouth. He flies away and Camron follows. "WOW this is intense have they always been like this", Inah and Tamia said. "While from the stories I heard yes in fact there probably still holding back", Edward said. Camron and Matthew attack each other with the enough force to destroy skyscrapers in 1 shot. "FLARE BLITZ" Camron uses his head smashing Matthew into the building and Camron receiving recoil damage falls with him. "Wow Camron your just as tough as I remember fine I will join your team", Matthew said kneeing on the floor damaged. "Thanks man good to have you", Camron said tired but still kicking. However they didn't realize that the media has been following there little fight. "Um hello this is a worldwide  news station everyone saw what you just did care to explain this", Reporter said. As the rest of them showed up. "DAMN IT I was hoping this wouldn't happen well if u want to know were elementals teens with elemental superpowers", Camron explains as he turns on his flames. "HAVE U NOT SEEN THE DAMAGE YOU CASUED", Reporter said pointing to the destruction. " Sorry but we can fix it Izy Andre Inah can we fix it Yes we can", Camron said as they went to work fixing things once done they went on to explain the situation. Until "FREEZE " security guard said. Telling the people these teens are dangerous did you not see what they just did look I will kill them now. He put the gun to Camron's head a took the shot BAM!!!! " YOU BASTARD", Inah said as they all got ready to kill the guy. "HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA", Camron said as he regenerated and healed himself. "You really didn't think you could kill us with bullets did you were literally the strongest humans on Earth" Camron said proudly. "WAIT WE FORGOT WERE SUPPSE TO BE GETTING THE REST OF THE ELEMENTALS" Tamia said. "GUYS LOOK ON THE NEWS", Izy said. "In the forest there seems to be a teenage boy killing the green forest just by walking passed it officers can't stop him they were either turned to dust or murder by what witnesses guess as sand",News said. " I bet that's an elemental Inah Tamia and Andre save the people Izy Edward Matthew your my back up against this thing EVERYONE LET'S SHOW THEM WHAT WE CAN DO!!!!!" Camron said as they all went there ways.        

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