Chapter 1

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"I'm not leaving him! No matter what! Why can't you see that?

"Mom! He abuses you! He's a fucking drunk!"

"Doesn't mean I'll leave him! I love him! And don't you dare use bad language! I am you're mother! Show me some respect!"

"Why? He doesn't show any respect! Why should I?"

"Go to your room before I do something I know I'll regret." She sighs.

I stomp away into my room. I can't believe she's always on his side! I walked back out of my room and yelled, "You know what? Screw you! Screw him! My brother is the only one that's on my side. I'm not the only one that sees your bruises, Mom! My uncle's are worried about you! I'm only disrespecting you because I love you and I want whats best for you!"

It's funny how I always hear my mom say that to me when she yells at me or takes my stuff. Now I'm the one saying it.

My mother grabbed her purse and her car keys.

"Where are you going?" I frown.

"I'm going for a drive. When your father gets home I need you to give him some dinner. I might take a while." She sighs.

"You know he's going to beat you when you come back. Why should I give food to a heartless bastard? He doesn't deserve it! There are so many people dieing of hunger who really do deserve food. Why should we waste our money on a low life?"

"Elizabeth", she warns," your father will arrive soon. Just please. Do this for me."

"God! Stop calling him my father! He's not my father! He never will be!"

She sighed, "Please, Elizabeth."

"Fine" I huffed.


Every where I went there were people looking at me sympathetically. There were 'I'm sorry's here and there, everywhere. It annoyed me really. Most of these people never even knew her. They were probably some of my step-father's friends.

"Please take your seats, everyone." Everyone sat.

My brother walked up the stage. Tears in his eyes.

"My mother... she... she was a wonderful person. She would annoy me sometimes, but I still loved her. She was my flesh and blood. Most of you probably know this, but her husband would... he... he would beat her", he choked. There were gasps from some of the audience. I just rolled my eyes, "He left the state when he heard the new about my mother. I hope I never see that man or else I'll... never mind. Quenn Mary Erikson was my mother. She was a loving wife, sister, daughter, aunt, and mother. I hope that the person that hit her has a great explanation of why they were texting and driving. Was the text really that important?"

He walked off wiping tears off his eyes. He sat next to me. I wanted to comfort him, I really did, it's just that comforting people isn't my thing, or even touching people, even if they are related to me. I just reached my hand and pat his back three times softly. "There, there."

He chuckled, remembering the episodes of The Big Bang Theory when my mother was cleaning the house and my step-father was a t work.

"You were great, bro. We need to talk, though. After the burial."

He nodded.


"What did you want to talk about?"

"Why?" He looked confused.


"Why did you just announce that our mother was beaten by that prick?" I tried to stay calm.

"I felt like people needed to know."

"No. No one needs to know about every single detail about our life. Now people are being more annoying." He chuckles and I roll my eyes. I put my hand through my hair and sighed. "Let's go."



"Is that? No. It can't be." He was looking over my shoulder.

"What?" I repeated, turning around and following his gaze. I saw a well dressed man. He was wearing a black tuxedo. He was around my mother's age and he looks an awful lot like my brother and I. "Wait. Is that... dad?"


A/N Cliffhanger!! One direction is going to show up don't worry, but what do you think? ~ Badwolf xx

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