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Thalia did not want to do this. But of course, you don't just tell your father, who is Zeus, no. She wanted to tell him she was a hunter now, that she didn't go on stupid quests anymore, and that the last time she went on a quest, people died. But no, here she was on a pegasus, way too far over the ground for her liking, flying out to sea. All because Valdez managed to get Calypso off her island.
"Oh, it will be simple! You'll be back with the Hunt before you even realize you were gone! Just make sure Ogygia hasn't exploded or anything, m'kay? Thanks. I'd get you an actual prophecy, but Apollo's, you know, mortal."
Thalia thought about how the conversation with her dad had gone. There wasn't supposed to be anything else, after the war with the Titans, and immediately after the war with the Giants. But no, Ogygia had the smallest chance that there would be some dangerous consequence for Calypso leaving, and that's why the gods never released her after Percy asked them. Thalia shuddered as she looked down at the ocean below. Heights, it had to be heights. She'd almost rather swim, but doubted Poseidon would be happy about that. Instead, she gripped the flying horse tight and closed her eyes, while wishing she was back fighting monsters with the rest of the Hunt.

After about an hour of torturous flight, Thalia saw land.
"Hey, um, what's-your-name the pegasus, maybe you could land right over there? The island looks deserted, it's fairly small, kinda like how Zeus described it. It might be Ogygia."
She asked the flying horse, and he neighed indignantly.
"Oh, um, I don't speak horse, that's a child of Poseidon thing, but, just put me down now, please."
Thalia swore the horse rolled his eyes, but he flew towards the island anyway. Instead of getting closer, it seemed farther away. After what felt like another hour of flying, the pegasus finally stopped moving. Thalia opened an eye suspiciously.
"Oh, we're here. Good, it's not destroyed. Now, take me back."
Nothing happened.
"Hey, could you, ah, take me back?"
She asked the pegasus.
"Look, I'm sorry I can't speak horse, and don't know your name, and probably grabbed your mane too tight, but I need to go back now."
Nothing happened. Thalia sighed. The pegasus suddenly nudged her, as if it wanted her to get off.
"Really? I know this is Ogygia, what other island is right smack in the middle of nowhere with an abandoned garden-slash-house thing that's littered with mechanical tools? It's clearly where Calypso and Leo where last."
As the pegasus whinnied, Thalia groaned and slid off.
"See, I'm off. I'm checking if this is Ogygia. Yep, it's defiantly the cursed island that the gods trapped that little- Hey, where'd you go?"
Thalia shouted as she looked back and saw the horse was gone.
"No way. No freaking way in Hades did he leave me here."
She ran back to the beach.
She yelled, but it was no use. Ogygia was a prison, alright, and it demanded a prisoner.

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