Chapter 3- EW!!! GIANT BUGS!!!

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What's up~




::::::Ria POV::::::

"LISTEN UP!" Yelled Anko.

I rubbed my ear. "Geez Anko, I know you're loud but please I'm right next to you" I mumbled.

She glanced at me and grinned. I rolled my eyes. Me and Anko sort of bonded when we were off to the Dango place. So we were like buddies! Haha yeah..

"I have 2 scrolls...." I began listening but something caught my eye. "Ahh that's a pretty butterfly~" I awed. I wanna catch it. And trap it in a jar with no freedom!!! MWHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

I noticed everyone was quiet. "What?" I asked. "You just said that out loud..." Naruto pointed out.

Dang it!! I need to stop that!! Damn you magical fluffy leprechauns that are out to get me!!!

Everyone sweatdropped. I blinked. "Did I just say that out loud.. Again?" I asked.

They nodded.

I deadpanned.

"Okay now, blah blah blah scroll blah blah tower blah blah something about no food blah bla- wait a minute..."

"NOO FOOD!!! WHAT!!! HOW CAN LIFE BE SO CRUEL!!!" I anime cried.

Anko sighed. "Ria just sign this form and go in there" she said and motioned to the tent thing. I nodded. "What's this form for?" I asked.

"You didn't listen!! Just sign this form" she sighed.

I shrugged. Whatever like this thing is important anyway right?

I entered the tent and gave the random dude at the counter my signed form. "Here" I said.

He nodded and exchanged my form with a scroll... "It seems I have the Heaven scroll" I whispered quietly. Hmm... Oh I know!! This is like a battle for the scrolls. So I need the earth one. I only heard bits of what Anko said. Sooo, if I get both scrolls, I go to the tower.. Right?

'Yes you are right Ria' Tenshi said sarcastically. 'At least I actually listened to Anko' she said. 'And for a moment... You sounded smart' Tenshi said in awe. I pouted. 'Whats that supposed to mean!'

I could feel Tenshi rolling her eyes.

'Well, go to your gate' Tenshi said.

I nodded and walked towards my given gate.

I looked in the forest behind the fences and saw something.... Disgusting absolutely disgusting.

I shivered. "EEEEKKK THAT IS A FUCKING HUGE CENTIPEDE!!" I shouted dramatically.

'I agree that is disturbing' Tenshi agreed.

"GO!!!!!" Anko announced.

The gate opened and I rushed in to the forest of DEATH.

I slowed to a stop when I felt 3 chakra signatures nearing me. I quickly hid my chakra and hid in a bush.

3 boys finally appeared on the clearing. And I most say.. They were hooooot. They had muscles, looks and everything!! But, too bad.. They had Grass headbands.

I might as well finish this. I shrugged. I jumped upon the clearing scaring the boys.

"Now do you have the Earth scroll?" I asked as politely as I can. They all narrowed their eyes. "And if we do?" He said smirking clearly underestimating me. His hand reached towards his pouch protectively. I smiled. "So you're hiding your scroll there, hm?"

I held out my hands revealing my new scroll. "Too bad I already have it now" I smirked deviously. He gasped and reached in his pouch. He growled. "It's not there.." He mumbled. I got my butt out of there laughing happily.


I already reached the tower and opened the scroll. I smiled happily. 'Now I can get back to Ichigo, right Tenshi?' I asked her.

She nodded. 'You ready to go now?'

I nodded.

Then everything went black. All I heard last was.. "Oops... I messed up"


All done and soooooo short sorry about that.. :(

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