Flowers, Flowers, and More Flowers

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They stay there picking flowers. "Do you think that's enough?" Asriel asks Chara. Chara shrugs, then they stopped. "I guess," Chara sighs. "My feet are tired." "Do you want a piggy back ride?" Asriel asks. "Sure." Chara smiles.

Asriel bends down in front of Chara. "Well? Are you gonna get on? The Asriel Express is gonna leave!" Asriel cheers. Chara hops on his back and they walked all the way home. "Ok. I want down." Chara said. "Wait, your just at the beginning!" Asriel laughs. He starts to charge at his home.

"And... We're here!" Asriel pants. He lightly put Chara down. "Umm... I guess, thank you." Chara looks away. They enter back in their home. "Oh, there you two guys are!" Toriel said with delight. "You guys ok?" "We're fine mom." Asriel smiles. "And we got the flowers like you said!"

"Ok, do me a favor and put the flowers in those pots." Toriel said, then she walks to her favorite walking chair. " I guess this is fun...?" Asriel looks at Chara. "Better than nothing..." Chara mummers back. They both put the last flower into the pot.

"And one more thing..." Toriel stands up from the chair.

Blooming Flowers With Broken Hearts (Chara x Asriel)Where stories live. Discover now