So This is Goodbye... (Chara's P.O.V.)

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There was one thing to do. I found a way to escape from this world. I must leave my horrible sins behind. Tears roll down my warm cheeks and my necklace broke when I ran by a tree. It also scarred my left cheek. But I also heard running behind me when I was in a field of flowers. "Chara! Wait!"
As I turned around Asriel hugged me. "Chara, why did you run out of the room?" Asriel said with a worried expression on his face. I didn't answer, but I turned back to see the flowers. "Hey, Asriel?" I look at him with a watery smile. "Do you think, these flowers made him sick?" "Maybe... Why?" Asriel looks concern. I looked at my chest to see that my necklace was gone. "Oh no where's my necklace?" "What?! You lost it?" Asriel panics. "D-Don't worry Chara I will go find it!" He runs where I was running.

I kneel down to pick up a flower. "Let see if she was right," I thought. I picked 6 flowers off of their stems. Asriel came back but he looked sad and tired. "Im so sorry Chara! I couldn't find it," He pants. I touch his shoulder and bent down to look it his face. "It's alright," I smiled. "We can buy another necklace for me, ok?" "Okay," Asriel smiles watery. He takes my hand. "Shall we go?" I didn't care no more. "Mhmm."

So we walked together, holding hands. I still have the six flowers in my hand. I remember when Dr. Alphys said that, "Six of those flowers can kill a soul." I don't believe her. So let's just see if it will. We got home. "Asriel?" I ask. "Yeah Chara?" He answers. "I'm going to stay outside for a little bit. I'll meet you inside," I smile. "Ok, see you then," He smiles back. Just before I was here in the underground, my aunt taught me how to make flowers to liquid. She said, "It's for when you need a fresh smell."

I made sure I did all the steps right. I left it out for a minute. And then, when it was time, I started to drink it. It tasted really sweet. Like a honey suckle. I drank almost all of it. I think I did drink six flowers... I went back inside to see what Asriel was doing. "Oh Chara! You're back!" Asriel runs up to me. "What did you do with the flowers you had in your hand?" "Uhh... I made a... Flower crown! Yes, a flower crown," I laughed nervously. "Can I see it?" Asriel's eyes gleamed. "Not yet... Because it's not done!" I laughed nervously again. "Ok...? Show me when it's done ok?" Asriel smiles and goes to his room.

"Mhmm," I smiled. I walked out of the house and went back to the flower field. I got an even amount for my flower crown. I already made one, but I hid it. I walked home and went to the side of te house. Carefully, I weaved and waved the stems together. I made it exactly like I did to the other one. I found the other flower crown and got up to show him it. I found Asriel sitting at the table. "Cool! You made two of them!" He took one out of my hand and put it on me. "Well?" He smirks. I smiled and put the other flower crown on him. He hugs me. "We're twins now!" And I just smiled

It was getting dark. "Ok kids, it's time to go to bed," Toriel chuckles a little bit. "Ok mom!" Asriel hugs his mom. She hugs back. I gave her a hug too. She hugged me back. We went to our rooms. I wonder if those flowers are killing me or not. Oh well... I'll just have to see in the morning.

The Next Morning~

I woke up in my bed. I looked at the clock and it was 1:35 p.m. Better get ready. I got up. But this feeling. It felt like I have to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and puked. I started to puke blood. I puked it all out. I tried to run to Toriel but I passed out. It made a big banging noise.

I didn't remember anything after that. I woke up in my bed again. They all stared at me with worried some eyes. "Chara...?" Alphys was with us as well. "I check you up when you were still blacked out." "Oh, thanks," I answered, feeling guilty. "Dreamurrs, may I speak to Chara alone?" They nod and they left the room. "Chara, you ate those flowers," Alphys looked down. I know I did, and I didn't want to hurt people. So I played dumb. "Really?" I said. "Have you been sick, but not as sick as this?" Alphys asks again. "Well, I think I had a cold... And my mom gave me meds to feel better," I looked down at the blanket on my bed. "I think I have some theories on this," Alphys' glasses fogged up so I can't see her eyes.

"You might of got sick by your father. Or the med that your mom gave you." "O-Oh, r-really?" I looked at her with little bit with hope. "I think," Alphys smiles. She leave the room. "Just rest ok?" And I nod. She left the room. I laid down on the bed. Asriel burst through the door. He sits where he sat last time. He puts the flower crown back on me. "A-Are you feeling b-better?" He stutters. I put my arm above my eyes. "That light is blinding..." I weakly said. My hands and face got paler. He turned the light a little bit down. "...Asriel?" I looked at him. "Yeah?" Asriel looks back worried. I smile weakly. But even weaker that before.

"Will you take me back to the flowers?"

I can feel my heart beating slower. "Why? You need to rest!" He looks at me with even more worriness. "Asriel.... I don't have... Much time..." I got up slowly. His face was now filled with tears. "Ok, just stay determined to live ok?" I nod weakly. He picks me up like I'm a bride. Everything was turning white. My eyes started to close.

This is goodbye isn't Asriel?

Blooming Flowers With Broken Hearts (Chara x Asriel)Where stories live. Discover now