Shadamy | Blueberry Muffins

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Have you ever met that person, and you just knew, just knew, they were meant for you from the start? Yeah, neither did Amy Rose, but it's not she didn't dream about love, when she had time to spare. She didn't have time to dwell on silly things like love. It was unreasonable that any of her peers, especially a hedgehog, could grab her attention away from her job. She was part of a huge company, and didn't have time to doddle on such silly things. Especially since she was the boss.

     But, it had been about a month ago when they got someone new to roll around the muffin cart since the last one had retired. He was a black and red hedgehog, dressed in not a particularly nice outfit, but the job did not force him to do so. Yet, his crimson orbs and outfit stood out above everyone else. He had looked so handsome in his red T-Shirt and worn blue jeans with gloves and scatters. 

     He had just been rolling the cart around, and he was considerably more attractive than old man Harvey the porcupine who had only gone around the building once with the cart before the day was over. This new guy had gotten around ten times as fast, and many females approved. Amy had learned his name from office gossip, Shadow the Hedgehog.

      Shadow had apparently been an original criminal, and was on parole, but he had done nothing yet to prove him untrustworthy, except to be the only one to grab her attention. No, even the "dashing" Sonic the Hedgehog, a police officer who was always flirting with her, had caught her attention. Besides, everyone knew he was a big flirt even though he had a girlfriend, Amy's secretary and best friend. Amy kept warning her friend, Sally Acorn, to dump him before he hurt her, but she told Amy it was fine. Besides, Sally was a big flirt herself so it made sense.

      Amy remembered the first time they officially met. It had only been a few days after he started working when she came up to him and asked for a chocolate chip muffin, as it was her second favorite muffin right after blueberry, but they already seemed to be taken. He had smiled slightly at her, pulling out a blueberry muffin from a hidden place. 

     "A little bird told me," he had stated with a smirk, "that you love blueberry muffins, but they always run out before you get a chance, so I saved you one." Amy had been shocked as he handed it to her, and she had barely stuttered out a thank you, her cheeks aflame as she had walked off, staring at the blueberry muffin. 

     She laughed as she remembered how she saved it for lunch, and how flustered she had been. She had barely spoken two words since then, but her mind kept drifting over to him, like a moth drawn to light. She couldn't help it, and a part of her didn't mind.

     As she was daydreaming, she almost tripped over a railing that would've sent her plummeting down the stairs and probably cause some serious injuries, if a hand hadn't caught her. She heard something else roll down and crash, seeing muffins fall over the place, creating a lot of noise as few people looked over, sending a glare at Shadow who had saved her. Amy's glare returned them all to work, although there were some stranding glances their way.

     Amy regained her balance, straightening her skirt and blouse, looking at Shadow. He was wearing a black T-Shirt now with jeans with holes in them. He looked so charming and she felt her cheeks burn with the familiar feel of the blush.

     "Thank you," Amy breathed out, smiling at him. His cheeks turned slightly pink. "You were about to fall, and muffins aren't really worth more than you Ms. Rose. Besides, I saved one anyways, for you," Shadow said, holding out a blueberry muffin. Amy was sure if they weren't in public, she would've thrown her arms around his neck and kissed him, but she had to remain nonchalant. She smiled brightly at him, her heart warming. "How did we get so lucky to get you for the job?" Amy asked, taking the muffin with gratitude. Shadow smirked. "I don't know," he replied before nodding good bye and heading down the stairs, starting to clean up the muffins. 

     When she started down the stairs to help him, he raised his head, shaking it to indicate he got it, but she couldn't help but feel guilty. If only she hadn't been so clumsy, he wouldn't have to clean it up and it wouldn't be coming out of his salary, which she doubted was very much. She frowned at the thought, flipping her phone out and pressing on a number, starting towards her office.

     "Hello?" a crackled voice asked through the phone. "Yes, the muffin guy seemed to have drop the muffins and-" She heard a low growl. "We'll fire him right away Ms. Rose-" She didn't let them finish as she interrupted the old, gruff man voice. "No, no, Walter, he did it helping from from falling down a flight of stairs. I wish to pay for any inconvenience I may have caused him, whether it be a new cart and the muffins or something else. I feel terribly awful," Amy said, cupping her face. "Sure thing Ms. Rose, have a good day," Walter said and Amy bid him good bye, hanging up.

     She sighed, entering her office and she saw Sally, in tears. Amy ran over to her secretary, angry that she was wearing red heels as she pulled Sally in for a hug, her ponytail in a mess. "What is it? Sally? What's wrong?" Amy asked, and Sally looked up behind messed up mascara. "S-Sonic h-he . . ." Sally burst into tears. "What happened, Sally? Please, tell me what's wrong," Amy pleaded.

     Sally sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm herself as she looked up at her boss. "S-Sonic got in a shoot off, or whatever, and he-he was . . . he was . . ." Sally started sobbing again and Amy felt shock run through her. Sonic, the police man who flirt with every girl, the hedgehog that made Sally cry, smile, angry, but mainly happy. The guy Sally loved, the guy Amy, despite herself, enjoyed talking to. The guy, that was the chief of police, the beloved hero of Mobius. But now, their beloved hero was dead. Amy felt herself cry too.

     Amy hugged Sally closer as Sally mourned, right when she smelt Sally's favorite muffin, a banana nut muffin. She looked behind her, seeing Shadow, a small frown on his face, and she felt a flush of embarrassment. There she was, the boss of the company, holding her secretary while they cried together. They probably looked like a hot mess too. She took it with a nod, handing it to Sally, who looked up and grabbed it, eating it until she stopped crying.

     "I'll be in the bathroom," Sally announced as she stood up, finishing her muffin as she wiped her blotchy eyes before running off. Amy wiped at her own eyes, the blueberry muffin on Sally's desk as she grabbed it, taking off the protective wrapping. She bit into it, keeping her tears at bay.

     "Thank you Shadow, for everything, really. Sally's boyfriend just di-" Amy cut herself off, a lump forming in her throat as she breathed in deeply. "Well, I guess it's not my place to say. Now, if you'll-" as she turned to face him, his nose was almost touching hers and she felt her heart rate pick up.

     Her mouth went dry at the close approximation. She felt herself take shallow breaths as Shadow looked down at her, still taller than her even though she was wearing five inch heels. He bent down, smiling. "Blueberry muffin, Ms. Rose," Shadow whispered. "Blueberry muffin Shadow," Amy replied before his lips captured hers in a sweet embrace. Mrs. Boss and Mr. Muffin Guy, who knew?

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