Shadamy | What is Love?

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Shadow stared up at the night sky, his hands on his stomach as he laid down on the soft grass. It was silent, the only sounds were the crickets singing and the wind rustling through the grass, talking softly to the leaves on the trees. His crimson orbs focused on the north star, although his thoughts were elsewhere.

      "Maria, how do you know when you're in love?" Shadow whispered to the sky, a pink hedgehog dancing through his mind. "What is love, old friend?" Shadow asked once again in a hushed whisper. A sigh escaped his lips. He wished, and wondered, how to know what love was, and how to tell when you were in love.

     Was love willing to die for that person? Was it wanting to give them everything? Was being in love having warmth whenever you thought of them? Was it butterflies when they were around? Was being in love wanting to hold their hand, just for a moment? Was it wanting to see them smile, wanting to hear their melodic laughter? Was being in love feeling whatever the other person was feeling? Was it being overprotective, willing to hurt anyone who dare lay a finger on them?

     Shadow wondered these things, not noticing someone approach him until someone laid down next to him. Shadow's heartbeat picked up as he glanced over at the pink hedgehog next to him.

     Her beauty never ceased to take his breath away. Her pink quills always seemed to fall in the perfect way. Her emerald green eyes always sparkled, showing hope and love in every look. She was beautiful, and she didn't even know the effect her beautiful smile had on him, or her perfect laugh.

     Amy turned to face him, a smile on her face. Shadow felt an urge to bring his lips to hers, connecting them in sweet harmony. He knew that it was called "kissing" but had no idea why it was called such a name. But it seemed to fit anyways. 

     "The stars are beautiful tonight, aren't they Shadow?" Amy asked him, her eyes full of light. Shadow then knew in that moment what love was. Love was Amy, well, everything he felt for her. All those questions before, the answer was yes. Everything Amy made him feel, the effect she had on him, that was love.

     "Not as beautiful as you, Rose," Shadow replied, seeing her cheeks turn red. Before she could reply, he leaned in, his lips hovering over hers. He paused, seeing her blush turn into a deeper red. "Thank you for showing me what love is, Rose. I love you," Shadow whispered before connecting their lips in sweet harmony. Shadow put in all his love for her in that kiss, and Amy put in all her love for him in that kiss.

     They broke away, panting slightly. "I love you too Shadow," Amy replied as he pulled her close to him where she snuggled into his chest. Shadow purred, knowing as long as he had Amy, he'd never forget what love was, or what being in love felt like.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2016 ⏰

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