Shadamy | Beach

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The waves lapped up on the beach, making all things it grasped wet with it's salty waves. The sun beats down on all those who decided to venture out on it, making some tan whilst burning others. Those brave enough go out and go surfing on the ocean's waves, but some do not contain the skills to stay up on their boards at all or for very long whilst others do tricks that earn them applause.

A pink hedgehog wears a hot pink bikini with white dots decorating it. She wears her matching flip-flops, which she soon discards by her matching towel with her white umbrella with a hot pink handle offers some shade on it. She leaves her white sunglasses behind on her towel as she goes over to her group of friends. 

She is greeted by a blue hedgehog, a light brown bunny, a brown chipmunk, a black hedgehog, a silver hedgehog, a white bat, a red echidna, a orange two-tailed fox, and a purple cat. She smiles brightly at them as they discuss what activity to do while they're here.

"The waves are great today, we should go surfing," the blue hedgehog, Sonic, chimes. "What about building sand castles?" the bunny, Cream, shyly asks. "I think we should all do our own thing instead of trying to make everyone do the same thing that not everyone will enjoy," the two-tailed fox, Tails, observes wisely. Everyone agrees with him before going their separate ways.

The bat, Rogue, and the echidna, Knuckles decide to surf with Sonic and the chipmunk, Sally. Tails and Cream start building sand castles with the silver hedgehog, Silver, and purple cat, Blaze. The pink hedgehog, Amy, goes over to her towel and grabs her book. The black hedgehog, Shadow, stands there undecided.

Shadow walks over to Amy where she quietly reads her book. "Rose," he starts quietly as she looks up at him, before setting her book aside. "how about we go swimming?" Shadow offers slowly, pinches of pink rising to his cheeks. Amy debates his words, his black swim trunks distracting her. "Sure, sounds like fun." Amy agrees, smiling brightly as she removes her white sunglasses so her emerald green eyes can meet his blood red orbs.

Shadow helps her up as they go out to the waves, when Amy discreetly splashes Shadow with her foot. Salty water droplets hit his face, arms, and legs. He playfully glares at her while she acts innocent. Shadow playfully growls as he grabs for her. Amy sees as she shrieks and starts to run, splashing some of the shallow sea water as she runs away from Shadow as he chases her. He reaches her and grabs her by her waist.

Shadow pulls her against his chest and growls in her ear playfully and she flicks it, her cheeks bright red. "You know Rose, you really shouldn't mess with the ultimate life form." Shadow growls lowly in her ear as she gulps as he picks her up, throwing her over his shoulder, holding her like a sack of potatoes as he gets deeper in the water. "Let me go Shadow!" Amy yells, pounding against his back which has no effect. Shadow just gets deeper until he's waist deep in water. "Okay, ha ha Shadow. You've had your fun, now let me down!" Amy exclaims angrily, her cheeks a dark red color. He stands there as she snaps and her hammer appears in her hand. Before she can hit him, he pulls her off of him and throws her in the water.

Her warm body meets the cold water as she goes under before coming back up, her bare feet meeting the sandy bottom as she stands up, her quills dropping water droplets as she shivers and sends Shadow a glare. Shadow smirks at her before she goes over to him, sending him a smirk as she rests a hand on his shoulder, causing him to become confused.

Amy raises her left hand, and runs it over his chest fur, causing him to shiver as his eyes darken. She brings her fingers to his face, tracing his muzzle as he growls a warning as she smirks at him as she cups his cheek, leaning in, his cheeks turning pink as their noses touch and Shadow closes his eyes. "Next time, don't throw me in the the water." Amy whispers before releasing him and backing away from him.

Shadow opens his eyes, and glares at her as she giggles before he reaches out and grabs her by her waist, pulling her in close. "Don't tempt me next time Rose, and this won't happen." Shadow tells her as she stares up at him, confused, before his lips meets hers. He pulls away all too quickly, leaving Amy a blushing mess as she glares at Shadow.

Shadow smirks at her before she snatches him, catching him by surprise when her soft lips capture his, their lips moving together in sync. Amy wraps her arms around his neck, his arms snaking around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer before they break apart, panting.

"Next time, don't leave me wanting more," Amy mocks with a smirk as he brings her head back as he captures her lips once again.

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