5) Don't Tell Ron

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Ft. Lily and Harry

Lily's POV
Ron and I were just about the only people standing patiently and quietly, waiting for everyone to stop bickering over brooms and for Harry to start trials. Today we were both trying out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, which Harry was captain of this year.  It seems I also inherited our father's skill of flying too and would be trying out for Chaser, along with Ginny and Katie Bell. Hermione and Emmaline sat in the stands, choosing to stay safely on the ground to watch us. 

"Alright, um..." Harry trailed off as no one was listening to him, not that we could hear him over the din of the arguing going on behind us. Exasperated, I leant against my broom, yes my broom, Harry and Emmaline had bought me a Firebolt for our birthday so I didn't have to keep borrowing his own. "Quiet, please!"

"Shut it!" Ginny yelled from standing beside Harry to help him with try-outs, and everyone did exactly that, shut up and look at the bristling red-head. 

"Thank you," Harry nodded gratefully to her. "Alright, this morning I'll be putting you all through a few drills, just to assess your strengths. Remember, just because you made the team last year does not mean you have a guaranteed spot this year, is that clear?" Nobody protested, which was good. "Good."

Beside me, Ron waved up at the stands to Hermione, who returned the wave, rugged up in her coat and gloves. Emmaline smirked at her and glanced behind them to where Lavender Brown sat glaring at the exchange. She'd become quite a giggling mess around Ron lately.

Cormac walked up and clapped a hand down on Ron's shoulder. "No hard feelings, Weasley, alright?"

"Hard feelings?" Ron asked, confused.

"Yeah, you see I'll be going for the Keeper position as well, it's nothing personal."

I rolled my eyes at Cormac trying to intimidate poor oblivious Ron. "Get over yourself, Cormac."

"Alright!" Harry bellowed. "Beaters first."

The trials took a while, due to a surprisingly ample amount of people, some of which were first years who couldn't fly to save their lives, and most were giggling girls from other houses who just wanted to get a glimpse of the famous Potter twins. The amount of attention the both of us received this year after the truth had gotten out was ridiculous and a little uncanny to have eyes on you 24/7.

Harry roared at the assortment of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw girls to get off the field and anyone else who wasn't here to fly. That helped and the trials went ahead smoothly. I stood between my brother and Ron, as Harry had just landed to cross off names on his list. "Alright, Chaser trials up next, you ready for this?"

Sending my twin a cheeky grin, I flicked my hair over my shoulder as I mounted the broom. "Brother, I was born ready."

Once the handful of people who couldn't fly or hold a quaffle to save their life were sorted out the rest of us Chasers lined up. Ginny and Katie Bell were probably the most intimidating people on the pitch as they worked together as a pair to test the others out, no one standing a chance against them. It was rather entertaining to see the look on their faces when Harry made them go on opposite teams. Ginny had Dean as her partner and Katie had a seventh-year boy I didn't know, the first two beating the others.


Ginny tossed Katie the Quaffle as Dean and I flew towards them. They sped towards us and Dean went for Katie who tossed the Quaffle up into the air that easily would have landed in Ginny's lap if I hadn't raced forward and plucked it out of the air. Both girls were on me in seconds, but I ducked, swooped and dodged their attacks and came away with a straight path to the goals. Pulling my arm back to aim for the middle hoop, I saw Katie coming at me from the left and changed direction to the lower right hoop scoring perfectly.

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