9) No, She Just Knows What She's Doing

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Ft. Hermione roasting 'Lav Lav'

Lily's POV
Hermione stalked down the halls of Hogwarts out of McGonagall's office we'd just used Floo Powder to get back from the Burrow with, the trusty, old Daily Prophet in hand. "It's so easy for them to get to you both! Your bloody lucky you weren't killed. As for the bleeding Ministry trying to get you two to work for them and bargaining you with Auror permits no doubt, the nerve."

Harry and I obediently followed along behind her as she ranted and completely ignored Ron and Lavender sitting on our couch by the fire, wrapped in some kind of wrestling match. She walked up the stairs still muttering to herself as we stopped beside Ginny and Em who were watching the match with disgruntled expressions. "I don't think I'll ever sit on that couch ever again." Em shuddered and Ginny grinned, looking up at Harry.

Someone cleared their throat behind us and we turned to find Dean standing there awkwardly, holding out a scroll of parchment. "Here you go twins, I was instructed to give this to you."

I gently took the scroll from his hands. "Thank you, Dean. How were your holidays?"

He nodded. "They were good thank you, Lily. I heard about the attack, hope everyone's okay?"

I nodded. "They are, thanks for asking."

He nodded once more, turning around to return to Seamus. "See you around, Lily."

Harry looked at me carefully. "All good?"

I nodded, meeting his concerned gaze. "Yeah, really good."

Gin and Em gave us a wave as we departed the common room to go to Dumbledore's lesson.


Harry's POV
Lily and I pulled our heads out of the Pensieve looking at Dumbledore curiously. "Confused?" He guessed.

"I don't understand." Lily shook her head as the swirling black memory faded into the crystal blue water below. "What happened?"

"This is perhaps the most important memory I have collected." Dumbledore walked past us to sit at his desk. "It is also a lie. This memory has been tampered with by Professor Slughorn, whose memory it is."

"Why would he tamper with it?"

"Shame, I suspect."


"Why indeed?" He nodded, agreeing with me. "I asked you to get to know Professor Slughorn and you have. Now I need you to use that friendship to get that true memory. This memory is everything, without it we are blind and we leave the fate of our world to chance. You must not fail."

We both nodded and headed off to Slughorn's office in hopes he would still be awake at this our. Walking into his empty classroom, he was bustling about preparing his lessons for tomorrow. He jumped when he spotted us by the door. "Ah, the Potters, what can I do for you?"

"Well Professor, we just wanted to ask you something." Lily started.

"Ask away, ask away." the professor insisted.

"Well, we were in the restricted section of the library the other day and I came across this piece of rare magic and pointed this out to Lil, who'd never heard of it." I explained.

"We can't remember the name exactly but we were just wondering, are there certain types of magic you're not allowed to teach us?" Lil continued

Slughorn blinked at us for a minute. "I'm Potions Master, twins, I think your question would be better answered by Professor Snape."

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