8) I Want To Become A Death Eater

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Ft. The Burrow

Lily's POV
"Ow! Ow! Fuck Lily! Let go!" I threw Draco at a wall once we'd reached a deserted corridor a little ways from the party and I wasn't surprised to hear the sound of a swishing cloak coming from behind us.

"Did you curse Ms Bell?" Snape asked deadly calm.

Draco only glared up at him, picking himself up from the wall and rubbing his neck, I would have certainly left a bruise. "Maybe I did curse that Bell girl, maybe I didn't. What's it to you?"

Snape pushed Draco against the wall by the collar. "I swore to protect you, I made the Unbreakable Vow."

"I don't need protection." Draco hissed, glancing at me. "I was chosen for this, out of all others, me. I won't fail him, I can't afford to."

Snape took a step back, glancing at me then back to Draco. "You're afraid, you attempt to conceal it, but it's obvious, let me assist you."

Even I could tell Draco was scared, it didn't take a genius to figure that out, if I were in his position I would be terrified too. But Snape helping him could possibly put his life in even more peril. "No!" Draco refused. "I was chosen, this is my moment. You'll only take it for yourself."

"Draco." I rolled my eyes. "Stop it."

His blue gaze narrowed on me. "His magic is nothing compared to yours, we wouldn't even be this far if it wasn't for you."

Snape rounded on me. "You've been helping him?!"


"But Lily, do you realise what you're doing?!"

"Yes, Snape," I answered coldly. "I am assisting the Dark Lord and deceiving my brother."

Snape placed his hands on my shoulders, but I shrugged them off. "But you're not–"

"I want to." I finally admitted. "I want to become a Death Eater."


Harry's POV
"An Unbreakable Vow. You sure that's what Snape said?" Ron asked as we sat in a compartment on the Hogwarts train. I had decided to tell him about the conversation I had listened in on in the corridor last night, of course, I didn't mention Lily was there, keeping her out of it until I could confront her myself. What she said I wasn't entirely sure how to feel about it.

"Positive, why?" I asked.

"Well, it's just you can't break an Unbreakable Vow."

I tried not to roll my eyes. "I worked that much out."

"No." He shook his head. "It's just– oh bloody hell."

We both looked up to the compartment window to find Lavender gazing in through the glass. She breathed over it, causing it to go foggy, before using her finger to write 'R+L' in a love-heart. I watched her fawn sickeningly over Ron and understood why none of the girls liked to be around them, even Lavender's friend Pavarti seemed bored. Lav nodded, satisfied with her work and blew Ron a kiss, before walking away.

"Lovely." I commented, trying not to sound sarcastic.

Ron turned to me with a horrified expression. "All she wants to do is snog me, my lips are getting chapped. Look!"

I leaned away from him as he threw himself forwards smacking his lips together, mainly because Lavender had been touching them. "I'll take your word for it."

Hermione came down the hallway at that moment and spotted us through the glass, also seeing the ridiculous message beside her. Oh no. With a final glare at Ron, she moved on, followed by Em and an exhausted Lily. She waved to me with a small tired smile, which I returned automatically and watched her disappear. After last night, I felt exceptionally guilty for Dean, who informed me they had broken up last night before the party, he was a mate, not close but he didn't deserve my sister going behind his back and playing him. I didn't think her to be that kind of person.

Guilty :||: Loved Series #4Where stories live. Discover now