11) He's Waiting For You

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Ft. Dumbledore's Death

Lily's POV
I watched as Dumbledore led Harry up to the Astronomy Tower and listened to him explaining how Harry was to do absolutely everything he said. "Professor, where's Lily?"

Watching from the floorboards below Dumbledore took Harry's arm in his. "Lily informed me earlier she wasn't feeling well and would be going to the Hospital Wing, nothing too serious, just apparating might not be the best right now."

There was a loud crack, my signal but I stood a moment silently thanking Dumbledore for not divulging my secret to my brother, though that wouldn't matter in an hour. Running through the castle I made it to the well worn out RoR where Draco nervously waited for me. His knee bounced up and down anxiously. Taking his hands firmly in mine, I gently squeezed them. "It's time."

He nodded solemnly and walked towards the empty cabinet, clutching another green apple, for 'go time'. As the whooshing sound filled the room the sky outside darkened, the clouds closing in and the wind picking up. Hogwarts went dark and it seemed the castle knew of the dangers to come.

The whoosh had Draco clutch my hand and we backed away from the door as the handle ticked, opening to expel black smoke. It morphed into the figures of Bellatrix Lestrange, Fenrir Greyback, Antonin Dolohov and Corban Yaxley. The latter two sceptically eyed me up and down, but I focused my gaze on Bellatrix, who sneered in what I think was an impressed smile. She nodded, signalling Draco to pull me along as we lead the party to the Astronomy Tower.

Though the corridors were deserted as Draco and I ran down them it didn't stop the Death Eaters from wrecking havoc. Explosions could be heard from behind us and glass shattered, attracting unwanted attention but nonetheless, we continued through the school. My heart was beating a mile a minute and I'm sure Draco could feel it through my hands. What we were doing was a terrible, horrible thing and I couldn't imagine how everyone would feel when they saw me, as a Death Eater.

Arriving ahead of the loud, noisy children, Draco headed up the small spiral staircase first, me following closely behind. On the third landing, the one underneath the top floor my eyes spotted Harry standing in the darkness. Seeing him this soon shocked me, I felt for sure I wouldn't see him until after all this had happened and I would have time to explain myself. The betrayal and shock were clear on his face but I didn't say a word, placing a finger to my lips and indicated he hide better, before finally revealing myself.

"Good evening, Draco, Lily." The weak looking man didn't bother to act surprised, throwing Draco off slightly, but his wand remained fixed on the headmaster. "What brings you both here this fine spring evening?"

Draco gripped his wand tighter, ignoring Dumbledore's ramblings and his face screwed up in anticipation, dreading what was to come. In his moment of weakness, Dumbledore used it to make eye contact with me and glance below the floorboards. I gave a slight nod, telling him I knew my brother was below, probably thinking up torturous ways to kill me.

"Draco," Dumbledore took a small step towards him. "You are not an assassin."

"How would you know what I am?" Draco spat aggressively, hating how he was being doubted, but the only thing I doubted him of would be whether he was capable of murder, even for the sake of his family and I. "I've done things that would shock you."

"Like using the Imperius Curse on Katie Bell hoping that she'd deliver a cursed necklace to me? Like Imperiusing Professor Slughorn to think about giving a bottle of mead laced with poison to me as a gift? Forgive me, but I cannot help feeling these acts are so futile that your heart really hasn't been in them."

The twitch of his good hand had me flicking my hand in one graceful movement, muttering Expelliamus in my head and the wand flew from his hands, skittering across the floor and toppling over the edge of the tower. "Very good." Dumbledore complimented, seeming genuinely impressed. "Your non-verbal magic has come along nicely."

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