Second False

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It rained and washed some pain
Rainbows came to give false hopes
Another lie to this oh so great world
Giving false hopes to everyone

Life is a big lie
We might think of it as special
But some think of it as a disaster
A failure that GOD made

Why do you think GOD made life?
A lesson to everyone?
Or simply it's just a dream
A dream that can't be washed away with a scream

Though we made our own lies
Our feelings a lie
What we feel has been made of by our brain
It's all lies

But with all of the lies in this world
This called life is the best
We won't be here, we won't feel anything
Without this lie we're nothing

GOD has a reason to every happenings
It's his plan, it's all planned that way
We have to accept this fact
Science can't even explain everything

In this world, we are all liars
To be honest, we are all lies
A lie that's been very special
GOD made us to be a protector of the earth

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