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"you're always be In My heart. where's the Justice? A guy likE you should Be in jail for being perfect and absolUtely handsoMe. "

"My deArest taiwanese guy who's veRy good at Kicking joke good at marTial arts. YoU don't know whAt you did to your faNs. "

"you're such a cutie Pie, don't do thAt to youR fans, Killing them with your charms Just don't, IN our dreams. we love You thOUgh, but please doN't try killinG us. "

"the kind of puppy whose Just so crAzy, Can do martial arts like a Kingkong, Super stupid tOo i doN't know but he's got abs. WhAt to do with your byuNtae fans, losinG in the sight of you. "

"Can I say sometHing crazy? what is wrOng wIth you? You're cute, gOt pretty awesome voice, i thoUght you doN't know how to dance? you're lookinG cute when you dance. gosh i'm Jealous of your Awesome and calming voicE. "

"are you cute? cool? hot? Kid? Hahah yeah. yoU're a kid with awesome family, frieNds and talent. People thIs days, full of talents and MOre and mOre such a Kid has that talent. Be yourself always tHink before yoU decide on What to mAke, you're a Kid afterall, it's okay to have mistakes sometimes. i wish to be jUst like you, you're free and you aLready reach your dream. "

"giant Kid--I mean Maknae, looks like You're the oldest (no offense) yoU're close to perfect, second to jb thouGht. You're talEnted, gOod Maknae too. (sarcastic) "

thouGh, i lOve you all wiTh all my heart. 7 kids 1 group, all In uniSon. your friendship is Like an unending music, it is filled with hOnesty and loyalty. Very valuable friEndship you have there.

from your loving and Dearly fan who Idolized you so much, with pAssion. i'll contiNue supporting you till the end lovE you all

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