9. My Girl (Eyeless Jack's POV)

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I shot my head up towards the voice that screamed my name, my heart instantly getting caught in my throat. My body went numb and weak as I stared at YN. Her hair was wild, her eyes as beautiful as ever. Scars detailed parts of her body, starting at the ankles and up to her cheeks. Purple bags hung below her eyelids, her face sad and longing. I couldn't believe she was here. Two of the putrid clowns saw their chance, seeing me weak like this. The plumper one cracked the whip on my back one, the sting meeting my skin. Twice, I felt the blood began to trickle. Three times, then I doubled over in pain. I heard YN begin to weep as one clown told her to be quiet. I then heard footsteps coming my way, stopping at where I crouched. "You don't belong here, do you?" He asked. I looked up to see a black and white man with a comical cone nose and pointed teeth. His jet black hair long and messy, having it lay over his shoulders. "I don't belong anywhere." I replied, sarcasm hitting my tone. A gust of wind came as he snarled at me. "Lock him up, I want him performing tomorrow night." He said to the clowns. They tied the rough rope to my throat and hands, leading me away from the tents. I could still hear YN's crying breaths, making my heart break with every minute of it.


They led me to a row of cages outside, far from the tents. Each cage stuffed with hay and blood. They threw me into one of them, the metal crunching under my skull as they slammed the door on me. While most people would be frightened by this, I wasn't. I was actually ecstatic, I saw YN! I know where she is! I pulled out my burlap covered notebook to journal this glorious day.

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