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"Your friend up there doesn't seem to care for me very much, does he?" Azalea asked Fili and Kili later as they walked.

"Don't think of it," Fili said.

"He has a lot on his mind right now," Kili continued.

"Also, he believes that traveling with women could be bad luck," Fili added.

"Oh. Well, is it?" Azalea wondered.

"We don't know."

"We've never actually traveled with a woman before."

"But when we're traveling with one as pretty as you, there can't be too much harm, right?" Kili asked. Azalea chuckled at that.

"Stop flirting and keep walking!" Thorin yelled back.

"Stop flirting and keep walking," Kili mocked. "It's like he doesn't even know me!"

"Right?" Fili agreed.

Azalea chuckled again. "You two are brothers, aren't you?"

"Yes, we are," Kili replied.

"Did you banter with your brother like this before you left?" Fili wondered. Azalea's mood plummeted.

"He was barely old enough to speak when I left," she replied. "So, no. I never got the chance."


They kept walking until they reached a forest. Then, Thorin stopped and turned to Gandalf. They spoke for a while. Azalea stared at Thorin, analyzing him. 

"I will not go near that place!" Thorin exclaimed.

"The Elves will help us! Elrond is the only one who can read that map!" Gandalf argued.

"Do you think we should tell him the sun is setting?" Kili asked.

"Hey, maybe we should make camp or something!" Azalea suggested.

"I do not take suggestions from women!" Thorin exclaimed.

"She is right, though," Gandalf agreed. Azalea crossed her arms and smirked. Thorin glared at her. The rest of them began to make camp.

"You! Go watch the ponies," Thorin commanded, pointing at Azalea.

"What, do I not get to eat or something?" she wondered, indignant.

"Someone will bring you something," Thorin replied.

"Just go," Bofur suggested. "It'll be easier for everyone."

"We'll go with her," Fili and Kili offered.

"It doesn't matter. Just go."

So the three of them walked out to the pony pen. When they got out there, Azalea kicked a tree.

"What was that about?!" Kili demanded.

"Why does he hate me so much?!" Azalea demanded, kicking the tree again. "I have been a part of this quest for twelve hours. I have done nothing to him, and yet he doesn't even refer to me by my name. I doubt he even knows it!"

"Well, that can't be true," Fili assured her.

"Really? He has never used my name. Ever."

"Why does it matter so much to you?" Kili wondered.

That question puzzled Azalea. Why did she care so much? She hated him. He hated her. Nothing he does should matter to her.

"Let's just watch the damn ponies," she muttered, leaning against the tree.

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