Chapter 4- Hello. My name is Umar

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Just as the harsh spray of rain began to stop, I heard a distant scream from the window. It was dark out and no one was home except the drips of blood from the devious monsters. There were hypnotic swirls and twirls all around me and strange blotches of blue paint on doors and windows. I tip-toed to the window with alertness and un surety, and when I got there, the fiercest boneless monsters I knew stood dead close to the window with it's disguising face squished to the window. It was horrifying- it had no eyes, just bleeding eye sockets. It had screws screwed into it's skinless head. And, it's name was Ratcheto. Then, just as it's face became closer to mine, i woke up gasping for air. I've had these over occurring nightmares almost every night, and it's hellish. Dad came into my room and rocked me to sleep. I was turned 14 the other day... 14. And i was still being comforted by my dad. I screamed in his arms as the monsters scratched at my mind with horrible thoughts and mental images. He shushed me as i slowly went to sleep. And as I did, I felt the monsters crawling in my skin. But of course, they weren't actually there.

So, it wasn't hot today. It wasn't cold and it wasn't warm. Today the weather wasn't even noticeable. My stomach churned with grumbling noises, but i was to sick to get out of bed. I laid in my 20 year old single bed staring out into the calm surroundings with a killing headache. To be honest, i was just so tired of these monsters. I've been to every good doctor and therapist in Canada, but no one would figure out my problem. I'm on a high dosage of medication for schizophrenia, but it hasn't done a thing. I also have these moments when I would freeze and not blink or think or anything. It's pretty freaky actually and it happens a lot at school probably cause i'm always anxious there. But it's gotten to the point when I've thought about suicide. Because I feel it's the only way ill be able to escape this. And when my mom stops being a bitch about these thoughts, I'm going to do it.

"Hello, my name is Umar." And he greeted me with a steady bold shake. He was so tall and.. Handsome. And his curly hair hid his pointed out ears. The paramedics dragged me to the next available bed and slammed me on it. I could hear the clinks of the scalpels and the muffled words of the doctors. They then stuck a tube through my stomach and sucked out the remains of the drugs. I felt so dazed and in a delusional state. Umar had to calm my dazzled parents down; they were so scared I wouldn't make it. After 2 hours on the hospital bed with frantic doctors trying to save my purposely taken life, all the the drugs I had taken had been sucked out and I was a good way away from actually succeeding in this suicide. My parents cried at my side and stroked my red locks. I felt so ashamed, angered, embarrassed even. I wanted to die, I just wanted this all to end. Kiera moved out to South Africa to live with her uncle and auntie, I missed her a lot and felt to depressed with out her. The monsters were killing me mentally, it was absolute torture!

I just.. Wished it had worked.

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