(f) Jimin - Fangirl

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Req: Jimin fluff please.

Genre: Fluff

" You think this'll fit ? " you asked, holding up a yellow knee length skater dress.

" Try it on, idiot! " said your friend and pushed you into one of the trial rooms.

You were out at the mall, shopping casually. After rummaging through a bunch of clothes you finally decided to try a yellow one on. You walked into the trial room and shut the door behind you. After locking it, you cautiously looked around for any secret cameras.

You nodded to yourself and slipped out of your jeans, pulling the shirt above your head and taking it off. Grabbing the yellow dress, you put it on and tried to zip it up.

" Argh.. " you put your right hand back and tried pulling the zip up, but failed miserably. It was best if you could get your best friend to do it for you.

" [F/N]..? " you called out but got no response. She was supposed to be standing right outta the door.

You opened the door of the cubicle a little and stuck your head out of it. " [F/N]..." you called out loud and waited patiently for a response.

There was a lot of noise in the mall which seemed unusual. It would be noisy yes, but not this noisy. People seemed to be screaming out there and it made things seem fishy. The loudness increased as every second ticked by. You frowned and decided to change back into your own clothes and then look for your bff. As the noise fast approached, you withdrew your head back inside and closed the door shut.

But when you tried locking it, the door was forcefully pushed open. You gasped and staggered backwards due to the sudden push. A man dressed in a white sleeveless top, and a scarf that probably covered the lower half of his face which was now pooled around his neck, stepped inside and quickly locked the door behind him.

You pressed your back against the mirror behind you, blocking your bare back from his view.

" HELP-mmf! " and your lips were sealed as his palm was pressed against your mouth. You shut your eyes tightly and flailed your arms around trying to push him back.

" Shush! " he mouthed and you shot your eyes open to take a look at his face. Your hands dropped to your sides and you went all silent in less than five seconds.

Your eyes went wide and he took his hand off your mouth when he was convinced that you wouldn't scream.

" OH my god! " you clasped your mouth and stared at him wide eyed. Your bias Park Jimin was standing right in front of you and you had no idea how to react.

" Jimin! " you jumped up and down and poked his shoulder to check if he was real or not.

" Oh my god.. oh my god... oppa.. Ji-jimin. I'll pass out! Are you real, I mean oh shit! This is true? I don't know what I'm sayi- " and he placed a hand on your mouth again to stop you from blabbering any further.

" I want you to keep quiet, okay? " he asked, trying to hold back a laugh.

You quickly nodded, and he took his hand off. You remained silent and stared at him as your tears of joy were threatening to fall. You dreamt of this guy every day, and fangirled over every one of his pictures. You almost had a nose bleed when he ripped his shirt off at MAMAS and right now he was standing in front of you and you refused to belive the fact that this was real. But then again, it was actually true and happening.

" Hey " he waved his hand in front of your face trying to snap you out of your day dream.

" Yes? " you responded as you blinked a few times and smiled at him.

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