(f) Suga - Basketball

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Genre: Fluff

You held the ball between your hands and dropped it down onto the hard ground, catching it as it bounced back up. You bounced it a few times, before shooting. The ball went straight towards the hoop, but as always , it collided with the ring and fell back down.

You lazily walked towards the fallen ball, and lifted it. You sighed, as you rubbed your hand over the rough surface of the ball. You loved playing basketball, but unfortunately you were really bad at it.

You stepped back and away from the hoop, before throwing the ball again. You repeated the action a few times before you decided to give it a break. Bouncing the ball twice, you tried twirling it around on your forefinger and it collapsed to the ground only after a few spins.

" Eh~ that's not how you do it! " spoke a thick yet lazy voice from behind you.

Completely annoyed at the comment, you turned around to face the owner of the voice. He was slightly taller than you, and apart from his mean comment, he was quite handsome.
He stretched his hand forward and you knowingly handed him the ball.

He smirked as he took a step away from you, before spinning the ball on his finger perfectly. Your eyes lit up as you watched him do it. It was so cool!

He pushed the ball onto his chest and it gracefully moved on his command

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He pushed the ball onto his chest and it gracefully moved on his command. It glided over his shoulders and the back of his neck before landing on the palm of his hand again. He smirked at you and quirked an eyebrow cockily.

" That's awesome " you laughed as you clapped at his little performance

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" That's awesome " you laughed as you clapped at his little performance.

" It's easy.. " he said and you shrugged, " to you" you responded.

" It's nothing.." he mumbled under his breath, before shooting the ball towards the hoop. Your eyes followed the ball and it fell right into the hoop.

You grinned, before turning towards him. " Can you teach me how to do that? " you asked enthusiastically.

" Uh? Too much work " he said, and began walking away.

" Please? " you followed him up and begged him a little.

" If you don't learn it quick enough then forget it. " he commented before asking you to go get the ball.

You quickly ran and fetched the ball to him.

" Hold it properly.. " he said as he placed the ball in the palm of your hand and taught you how to hold it first.

" Now stand up straight " he spoke from behind you. You stood straight and held the ball up, ready to throw.
He stood behind you, his chest pressed up against your back as he tilted his knees forward , pushing yours a little in the process.

Your heart rate rose even though you knew that this was nothing but a little basketball learning. The man behind you held your arms and brought them back.

" Shoot! " he spoke from behind you, his breath fanning your slightly sweaty neck.

" It won't go.. " you mumbled.

" Oh just shoot already! " he said as he gave a little push to your arm and you threw the ball towards the hoop. It cut through thick air and landed right into the hoop, hitting the ground with an audible thud. A smile of accomplishment took over your features as you turned around to face the boy, who was now extremely close to you. He smiled at you and stepped back.

" It went in.. " you said grinning.

" Yeah~ " was all he responded with, as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and started texting somebody.

You did a little victory dance while he wasn't looking.

" I need to go " he said, his eyes still on the phone screen.

" Thank you " you muttered out quickly. He shoved his mobile back into his pocket and looked back at you.

You gave him your bright signature grin which forced him to smile back at you.

" I'm sorry if I was mean to you. I just don't like meeting new people " he confessed.

" Mean? Yeah a little somewhere maybe. But I understand, I do that to people too "

He nodded before walking away from you, back where he came from. You looked at the ball laying on the ground before realisation dawned on you.

" HEY! " you yelled out, so he could hear.

The boy turned around to face you as he frowned in confusion. You jogged your way upto him and stopped once you both were close enough.

" Wh-what's your name? " you questioned, panting slightly.

He shook his head, a genuine smile playing on his lips before he answered. " Min Yoongi. You can also call me Min Suga "

" I'm (Y/N).. " you spoke as you stretched your hand out for a handshake and he accepted it immediately.

Suga pulled away and turned to leave but stopped again, as if he had forgotten something.

" What are your plans for this Valentine's? " he asked out of the blue.

You were pretty embarrassed but you had to answer him. " Well, I don't know.. I don't have a boyfriend.. so.. " you said scratching the back of your head.

" Same here. We are too hot to be lonely, let's be each other's valentines " he said enthusiastically. He was indeed getting comfortable with you.

" Sure.. " you accepted the offer. Yoongi exchanged numbers with you and he gave you a quick nod of acknowledgement before leaving.

No matter how mean, 'Mean' Yoongi tried to be, you could still see through him. There was a sweet and cute side which you would probably get to see if you met him often. You saved his number and decided to head back home.



I'm just making good use of this multimedia privilege lol. Drop down your requests in the comment section below ♡ Thank you!

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