(s) Suga - Mood

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" Why isn't he here? " you asked the only two people in the room- Namjoon and Park Jimin. Jimin was laughing for some reason and the former kept giving him the wtf look every once in a while.

" They colored his hair again. So he's pissed off " Namjoon said before placing the headphone over his head and ears again.

" Where's he now? "

Obviously there was no response.  Jimin laughed his ass off as he slapped the floor with the palm of his hand.

" Jimin! " you groaned trying to get his attention. This kid enjoyed Yoongi's anger with a passion. Jimin loved it when Suga was mad about something or someone , unless that someone was him.

" S-sorry! " he stuttered, still trying to hold in his laughter. " H-he went back to the hotel room " he finally answered. Now you knew where to find your little sugar.

You left the practice room and quickly got out of the building. The hotel was only a few blocks away from the company so you decided to go by foot. Your mind was all over the place as you thought of ways to calm your angry man down. Pissed off Suga was scary but extremely sexy. Things always got rougher and hotter when he was mad about something and a part of you kinda loved it..a lot. But putting all that aside, right now it was your responsibility as his girlfriend to change his mood. He had a concert tomorrow and him being mad and unmotivated would affect other members as well.

 Taking quick steps towards the hotel and walking in, you made your way up and to his room. 

" Yoongi? " you knocked on the door and waited for a response but got none. You turned the knob, took a peek inside before stepping in and locked the door behind you.  Looking around for your boyfriend, you noticed that his clothes were discarded on the bed. Walking towards the bathroom, you could hear the shower running. So, here he was, showering.

" Min Sugaa! " you cheered from outside only to receive a pissed off groan from the him. He must be really angry. You smiled to yourself as you slipped out of your clothes. It was never a bad idea to join Yoongi in shower, considering his body wash which smelled like the best thing in the world.

You unclasped your bra and took off your panties as well before stepping into the bathroom. You made your way towards the cubicle and saw your light green haired boyfriend. Well, mint didn't look that bad on him. In fact, it looked hot as hell.

You stepped into the shower behind him and he behaved as if he didn't even notice.  He stood right in front of the shower head, hot water splashing against his chest, while you stood behind him, shielded away from the liquid.

You pressed your chest against his wet & warm back and wrapped your arms around his torso, giving him a back hug.

" Yoon? " you muttered against his skin, placing feather light kisses. You rubbed your hand over his stomach, pale skin shivered a little under your touch. You traced your fingers up his chest and down to his v-line making sure not go any lower any soon.

Suga grabbed his body wash and before he could open it, you moved and snatched it away from him. Squirting some of the gel onto your hand, you guided for him to turn around, to face you. Rubbing your hands together you created a good amount of foam.

You ran your hands gently over his front, closely watching his expression.  Yoongi's eyes were fixed on your lips and you knew what he wanted this shower to turn into.

You moved your hands from his chest to his shoulders, his muscles slightly tightening at your touch. The hot water poured down on him, making the soap you rubbed onto him disappear in seconds. You stepped closer to him, until your bodies were flush against one other, causing you to unintentionally grind into him.

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