The Lake(4)

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hey everyone! okay so i just wanted to say sorry for not posting in a while, my computer broke and I just got it fixed :p I will try to upload a lot in the next few days so I can catch up, but school is busy so we will see:) Enjoy the chapter!!!

I sighed the next morning as I stood in my closet, searching for my school uniform. I knew it was there somewhere… aha! There. I pulled out the black shirt and black, white and blue plaid skirt from under a neat pile of folded clothes, throwing them on. I walked over to the mirror and examined myself. I looked like one of the zombies from one of the many movies we watched last night. I sighed and applied some concealer and mascara, only helping to hide the bags under my eyes a tiny bit. I sighed and walked downstairs, grabbing my school bag and throwing on my black converse as I walked to the door. Just then the door bell rang, signaling Justin's arrival. I looked at the wall clock, 6:30 on the dot. I shook my head in amazement, smiling to myself. This boy must have OCD or something, because he was always right on time, every day. I skipped out the door, my long ponytail hitting my back as I ran down the front steps. I jumped in the car and waited for Justin to drive off, but when he didn't I looked at him, curious as to why we weren't zooming off to school like every other day. I turned to see him staring at me, taking in my entire appearance. It seemed as though he liked what he saw, but his gaze made me uncomfortable. I felt too plain, and I shied away from his eyes. He saw me squirm a bit, but unlike a normal person, he just kept staring for another good couple of minutes. Then he said three words that sent my heart in a flutter and caused the butterflies that were always in my stomach when I was around him to go crazy. 'You look beautiful.' I heard his silent words loud and clear, and a smile so big came on my face, it could have put the cheshire cat to shame. Justin finally turned away and started the car. I leaned into the leather of the seat, loving the vibration of the engine as it tickled me slightly, making me giggle. I saw J smile a bit from the driver's seat, and that smile stayed there the whole car ride to school.

I was in such a great mood when we got to school that as I stood by my locker, I didn't even notice the group of three descending until it was too late to run for cover. 'Well, if it isn't miss Toress. How are you and my BOYFRIEND doing?' Trisha said, giving me a cold glare. Her two followers also gave me hard looks, but looked about as confused as I felt. There was no way Trisha could think that Justin broke up with her because of me. No one likes me, and that wasn't about to change. And even if someone did, it most definitely would not be the most popular boy in school, even if we have been best friends for years. I sighed sadly, realizing just how true this was. I looked up and met Trisha's gaze again, then walked away. It wasn't like I could respond anyway. I walked into Math in a funk, my good mood completely vanished, leaving behind the depressing truth. No matter how much I said otherwise, I knew I liked Justin, but I would never to be able to be with him, so why even bother right?

When the bell rang, signaling that there was only one class left, I nearly wept with joy. All day I've been busy with trying to avoid people, namely Justin and Trisha. I had been doing pretty well until lunch, where I got 'accidentally' pushed into the trash can, ruining one of the only good shirts I had, and humiliating me in front of the entire school. It got worse when Justin came up and defended me, saying Trish should 'pick on someone her own size/age.' That really got her pissed, and since then she has been looking for me, probably wanting to punch my lights out. I hadn't run into her yet, but I knew I would, considering we were in the same gym class. I eased open the locker room door, sighing with relief when I saw no one in there. I quickly changed, and right as I was about to leave, the door swung open, revealing the she-devil herself. I quickly ducked out of the room before she could see me, running into the gym. I could not wait for this day to end.

After I finished my homework,I went in my room to find a note laying on my bed. I picked it up and recognized Justin's handwriting, so I read. 'come over tonight, i wanna hang:) i didn't get to see you after lunch, you ran off too fast. don't worry about Trisha, she's just not thrilled that its over between us. be at my house no later then 8. ~J.H.'

I smiled and put down the note, glancing at my clock. It was already 7, so I might as well shower and head over. I quickly got ready, leaving my hair damp and hanging straight down my back, throwing on some comfy pants and one of J's shirts. I walked outside using my latter, then walked up to his window exactly opposite of mine. I picked up a small rock and threw it. Then another, and another, all hitting the window. Soon enough a wet haired Justin came out, looking down at me. He smiled and threw down the rope latter we made when he was little, exactly for nights like this one. I quickly climbed into his room and flopped onto his bed. I smiled and we began to talk, about nothing and everything, until it got late and my eyes began to droop. Justin laughed and pulled me into the bed next to him, covering us up and turning off the light. I snuggled against his chest as he kissed the top of my head. Right at that moment, I knew everything would be fine, as long as I had Justin, either as a friend or more. He belonged in my life, and right here is where i intended to keep him.

I woke up early the next morning, around 4:30 AM, way before Justin would even consider rising. I looked over at the sleeping form of my best friend, smiling at his beauty. I took my fingers and gently brushed the hair from his face. He looked so peaceful, I wish he could stay this way forever. Lately he has seemed stressed a bit, a line of worry never leaving his forehead. I smoothed it out now, enjoying the peace of the early day, and watched Justin for hours until he finally stirred. 

We spent most of our saturday lounging around at J's house, leaving around 3 to go have a swim in the lake a few miles away. We splashed around for a bit, then just sat on the water's edge and soaked up the sun. I smiled as I felt the warmth of the sun on my closed eye lids. After a while I felt eyes on me, so I opened my own to find Justin watching me closely. I smiled shyly, feeling self conscious. I was going to get up and grab my towel, feeling awkward in my half naked state, when Justin suddenly took out his hand from behind him and stroked my face. I instinctively leaned into his palm, enjoying the warm tingles that he sent into my body. He slowly leaned in towards me until we were nose to nose, his warm breath coming over my face. I felt my own breath coming harder, he was going to kiss me, I knew it. I slowly started leaning in too, and our lips were almost touching when Justin suddenly went flying into the water, courtesy of a push given to him by none other then Jack Blake, Trish's NEW boyfriend. Yeah, she works that fast. I stood up quickly, marching over angrily to the laughing group of idiots, going straight up to Jack. I glared at him and pushed him in the chest, and his laughter faulted in surprise. Once he reigned in his shock, he started laughing again, twice as hard. 'Wow, Justin. I didn't know you were that pathetic, having a little deaf girl standing up for you.' he snickered. He gave me a quick push, probably not trying to knock me over, but I fell anyway, catching myself on my hands, getting a few scrapes in the process. I glared as the jerks walked away, then got up and went over to where Justin was standing on the dock, having just pulled himself out of the water. I frowned at him and handed him his towel, which he took with a nod of a thank you, seeming embarrassed. He wouldn't look up at me, that is, until he noticed that there was spots of blood on his towel. He looked up at my in confusion, then noticed my hands. It turned out the cuts were worse then I thought, and blood was slowly dripping onto the hard wood of the dock. Justin carefully took my hands, wrapping them in a towel and guided me over to his truck where he kept a small first aid kit. After he bandaged my hands, he looked up at me.  I'm so sorry Mari, those guys are jerks. I'll deal with them when we get back to school on monday okay? I just nodded, not really caring about what they had done to me, only caring that they had humiliated Justin. I walked up and gave him a big hug, then took his large hand in my small bandaged one, and we walked around the wooded area for a while, until it started getting dark and I needed to head home. When we got to our houses, we both got out and said our goodbyes. I was going to turn and head home, but right before I did, Justin gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I looked up at him stunned, my cheeks red with embarrassment and flattery, and noticed Justin blushing too. Fast as a cheetah he turned and dashed into his house, and I walked back to mine in a daze, full of joy for the small moment. Justin had kissed me. Maybe we could be more then friends after all…


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