Chapter 1 Part 2: Time flies but you're the pilot

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I went through the police control trying not to think about what my dad had told me and, although I have heard that countless times, it kept rumble in my mind like the repetitive rythm of a drum. I have always tried not to be affected by that but I rarely succeeded and always made me ask myself if I was right and if I wanted to do this for the rest of my life. But then I thought of every singer that are someone now and I came to the conclussion that they also had to struggle to achieve their goals and to face the people who weren't in favour of their succeess.
This fleeting thought made me recuperate the enthusiasm for the adventure I was about to begin. Getting comfortable in one of the chairs near the boarding door I turnt on the IPod and put it on shuffle, Before The Worst by The Script came on making me smile like each time I listened to these three Irish men. Thanks to them I was waiting for a plane to Dublin to try to work in the music industry as they did. Sleeping im cars or together in the same sofa in a tiny apartment in LA, until they became one of the most important bands of the last years thanks to that song that was playing on my IPod: Before The Worst, their first song as a band, which would completely change their lives. I also wanted a song like this one that could drop me to fame, and although I had been writing my own songs for several years, I didn't think they were good enough yet.
After four more songs on shuffle passengers started to agglomerate in the boarding door. First, the business passengers, then the families with kids, who were just four or five, as children were in the middle of their school year, and finally the rest.
Once in the plane I got comfortable in my sit that was by the window site. I put my earphones on and looking through the window I fell asleep until an airhostess woke me up and notified me that the plane was about to take off. I turnt off all of my eloctronic devices following the orders of the blond woman.
Then I realized that someone was sitting beside me on my right, a 60 year old man that was looking nervously to the front, his face was totally pale and was almost shaking.
"Is it your first time in a plane?" I asked relaxed and smiling nicely. He nodded without even looking at me as he kept looking at the front.
"Don't worry, nothing will happen, trust physics" He looked at me more calmed down and he stopped grabbing the armresters as if he was safer grabbing them.
"Are you travelling alone?" He asked to try to keep him distracted from the taking off of the plane.
"Yes, I'm gonna try my luck in Dublin, and you, why are you travelling to Ireland?"
"My daughter tried luck there too and I think she succeeded, she's getting married in two days". He smiled proudly.
We kept talking during the whole journey about different topics. In those two hours we got to know eachother so good that we decided to exchange eachother's phone number in case any of us had any issue in the city.
When we landed, I headed to pick my luggage and then, after saying goodbye to José, the man I was talking to during the journey, I headed to the exit to pick a taxi, as if I was going by bus I would get lost for sure thank to my "great hability" for orientation and, in fact, I just knew the address of my new apartment.
I waited less than ten minutes until a taxi came close to where I was standing. The driver helped me to put my luggage in the trunk. Once I was sitting on one of the back sits of the taxi the driver asked me the address I was going to while turning the taximeter on. The radio was on but I could barely listen to it, as the man was talking to me to make the journey nicer. Suddenly the first chores of a song I knew too well started to play, it was For The First Time. I couldn't help it and while my feet were rythmically tapping the sticky floor, my lips started to sing spontaneouslly interrupting the conversation with the taxi driver.
"I love this song" He said smiling and turning the volume up.
For The First Time was playing the rest of the journey until I got to my new apartment. The building had a reddish colour from the bricks, but with gray tones made by the moisture. I paid the driver who had already taken my suitcases out of the truck and I waved him goodbye without knowing if he had seen me. I entered the building after several tries of opening the main door with the key thanks to the cold weather that had frozen the locker. I went upstairs in the lift to the 4th floor, and once I got there I turnt right to open the door of the "A" apartment.

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